New Announcement from Hinari
Dear ALL,
It is getting close to the end of the HINARI calendar year and we would like to give you news about the Programme. The most significant development was a revision to our website to show you which journals are offered by our publisher partners in your country. We hope you have noticed an improvement. We are also delighted to share with you that more than 2000 new journals have been added to the HINARI website this year.
Please note:
As one of the conditions of HINARI, the publishers have the right to protect their existing business, and may choose not to offer their journals to countries where they have significant sales or local sales agents. This is the case for your country. This means that you will not have full-text access to the journals of the following publishers:
American Dental Education Association
American Society of Plant Biologists
Annual Reviews
Despite the restrictions on some content, the HINARI offer for your country is significant and we will continue to work on your behalf to improve it. New publishers are continuing to join HINARI regularly.
Thanks for your confidence in HINARI.
يستطيع اي موظف او طالب في جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين الدخول الى هذه القاعدة عن طريق تزويده باسم مستخدم وكلمة مرور للمزيد ارجو الاتصال او زيارة مكتبة ابو رمان او ارسال ايميل على البريد الالكتروني