Free Electronic Journals
- Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands) (3/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Age and Ageing (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Aging (Albany NY) (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy (7/1/2009 - ) BMC
- Arthritis Research (10/1/1999 - 9/16/2002) BMC
- Arthritis Research (10/1/1999 - 9/16/2002) Pubmed
- Clinical Geriatrics (9/30/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Interventions in Aging (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Interventions in Aging (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Genetics (Austin) (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Pubmed
- Immunity and Ageing (1/1/2004 - ) Pubmed
- Immunity and Ageing (10/1/2004 - ) BMC
- International Journal of Ageing and Later Life (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Internet Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Open Aging Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Health Services and Policy Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Longevity Science (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Scandinavian Journal of Food and Nutrition (1/1/2007 - 12/1/2007) Pubmed
- Science of Aging Knowledge Environment (10/3/2001 - 6/30/2006) Highwire Press Free
- Senior Spectrum (Reno, NV) (8/1/2007- )
- Stroke (1970) (1/1/1970 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- African Journal of Agricultural Research (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- AgBioForum (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Agraarteadus (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Agricultural Engineering International : the CIGR Ejournal (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Agricultural libraries information notes (1/1/1994 - 12/31/1997) GPO
- Agricultural research (Washington) (1/1/1995 - ) GPO
- Agriculture 21 (9/1/1998 - )
- Agrociencia (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Agronomy Journal (7/1/1999 - ; excluding most recent 18 months) Agronomy Society of America
- Agronomy Research (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- American Journal of Botany (2/24/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- American Journal of Food Technology (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Animal Biology and Animal Husbandry (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Animal Research (1/1/2000 - 12/31/2006)
- Animal Science Papers and Reports (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Annals of Botany (1/1/1993 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Annals of Botany (1/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Applied and environmental microbiology (1/1/1976 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology (1/1/1976 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Applied and Environmental Soil Science (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Applied Ecology and Environmental Research (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Aquaculture Outlook (3/15/1995 - )
- Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation and Legislation (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Arid Lands Newsletter (3/1/1994 - )
- Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Beef (Saint Paul, Minn.) (1/11/1997 - )
- Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Biological Diversity and Conservation (6/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Biology of reproduction (4/1/1969 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Biostatistics (Oxford, England) (3/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- BMC Biotechnology (4/18/2001 - ) BMC
- BMC Biotechnology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Plant Biology (9/26/2001 - ) BMC
- BMC Plant Biology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Veterinary Research (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Veterinary Research (7/26/2005 - ) BMC
- Botanical Electronic News (10/15/1995 - )
- Briefings in bioinformatics (1/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics (1/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- Bulletin (Entomological Society of Canada) (12/1/2001 - )
- Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (1/1/1999 - ) ESA
- Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research (1/1/1986 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Pubmed
- Canadian Veterinary Journal (1/1/1960 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Pubmed
- Canotia (1/1/2005 - )
- Conservation Evidence (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Current Genomics (11/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Dendrobiology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- DNA Research (1/1/1994 - ) OUP
- DNA Research (8/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Ecohydrology (1/1/2008 - )
- Economic Research of Interest to Agriculture (5/6/1951 - 12/1/1999)
- Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- FDA Consumer (12/1/1989 - 4/30/2007) GPO
- Florida Buggist (6/21/1917 - 3/1/1920)
- Florida Entomologist (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Florida Entomologist (1/1/2002 - ) BioOne Open Access
- Food and Nutrition Research (1/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Food Outlook (Rome, Italy) (10/1/1995 - )
- Food Safety Magazine (4/1/2003 - )
- Garden and Forest (2/20/1888 - 12/31/1897) Making of America
- General and applied plant physiology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Genes and Genetic Systems (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Genetics (Austin) (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Genetics, Selection, Evolution (1/1/2000 - 12/31/2008)
- Genetics, Selection, Evolution (2/1/1969 - ) Pubmed
- Genetics, Selection, Evolution (1/1/1989 - ) BMC
- Genome Biology and Evolution (1/1/2009 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Genome Biology and Evolution (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Genome research (8/1/1995 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Genome Research (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Genomics, Society and Policy (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Grain transportation Report (1/1/1997 - ) GPO
- Hereditas (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Horticulture connection (10/1/2005 - )
- Human and Veterinary Medicine (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Human-Wildlife Conflicts (3/1/2007 - )
- iForest : Biogeosciences and Forestry (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Agronomy (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Botany (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Ecology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Forestry Research (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Plant Biology (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Plant Genomics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Plant Genomics (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- International Journal of Plant Production (3/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food (1/1/1991 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Wine Research (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Internet Journal of Genomics and Proteomics (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Internet Journal of Veterinary Medicine (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Issue paper (Council for Agricultural Science and Technology) (7/1/1993 - )
- Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of agricultural research (Washington, D.C.) (1/1/1913 - 12/31/1949) GPO
- Journal of Agricultural Science (Toronto) (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Agronomy (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Animal Science (1/1/1942 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Applied Genetics (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of applied poultry research (1/1/1992 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Arboriculture (1/1/1975 - 12/30/2004)
- Journal of bacteriology (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Bacteriology (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Journal of Biological Chemistry (10/1/1905 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Biological Chemistry (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Journal of Biotech Research (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Dairy Science (5/1/1917 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Entomology (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Equine Science (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of experimental biology (1/1/1930 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of experimental botany (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Extension (1/1/1978 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Genetics (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of heredity (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Insect Science (Tucson, Ariz.) (1/1/2001 - ) BioOne Open Access
- Journal of Insect Science (Tucson, Ariz.) (1/1/2001 - 12/31/2005) Pubmed
- Journal of Insect Science (Tucson, Ariz.) (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Insect Science (Tucson, Ariz.) (1/1/2001 - )
- Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism (1/1/2010 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Parasitology Research (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Parasitology Research (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Pesticide Science (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Phytology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Plant Ecology (3/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Poultry Science (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Range Management (10/1/1948 - 11/30/2003)
- Journal of Research in Rural Education (1/1/1982 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Rural and Community Development (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of SAT Agricultural Research (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Systematics and Evolution (1/18/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Journal of Tropical Agriculture (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (1/1/1991 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Veterinary Science (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Veterinary Science (3/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Wildlife Diseases (1/1/1970 - ; excluding most recent 18 months) Highwire Press Free
- Lait (1/1/2000 - 12/31/2007)
- Landscape Online (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Livestock Research for Rural Development (1/1/1989 - ) DOAJ
- Mammalian Species (1/1/1969 - 7/1/2004)
- Marine and Coastal Fisheries (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Marine and Coastal Fisheries (1/1/2009 - ) BioOne Open Access
- Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences (2/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Molecular Plant (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year)
- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (1/1/1988- 12/30/1996)
- Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist (1/1/2002 - ) BioOne Open Access
- Neotropical Ichthyology (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London (1/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Nuytsia (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Online Journal of Rural Research and Policy (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Open Agriculture Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Conservation Biology Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Fish Science Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Food Science Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Horticulture Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Parasitology Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Plant Science Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Veterinary Science Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Parasites and Vectors (1/1/2008 - ) BMC
- Park Science (10/1/1980 - ) GPO
- Pelican (Reno, NV) (3/1/2005 - )
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Phyllomedusa : Journal of Herpetology (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Phytopathology (1/1/1970 - ; excluding most recent 2 years)
- Plant biotechnology (Tokyo, Japan) (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Plant Cell (1/1/1989 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Plant Cell (1/1/1989 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Plant Genome (7/1/2008 - ) Agronomy Society of America
- Plant Methods (8/1/2005 - ) BMC
- Plant Methods (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Plant Omics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Plant Pathology Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Plant Physiology (Bethesda) (1/1/1926 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Plant Physiology (Bethesda) (1/1/1926 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Plant Production Science (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Plant Protection Science (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Plant Root (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Plant Signaling and Behavior (1/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Plant, Soil and Environment (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- PLoS Genetics (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- PLoS Genetics (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Poultry Science (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Primate Conservation (1/1/2006 - ) BioOne Open Access
- Prion (1/1/2007 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (1/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Professional Animal Scientist (6/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Rangifer (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Raptors Conservation (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Reproduction, Nutrition, Development (1/1/1989 - 12/31/2006)
- Research Letters in Ecology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Rice outlook report / Economic Research Service, USDA (1/12/1995 - )
- Rural Cooperatives (1/1/1998 - ) GPO
- Sheep and Goat Research Journal (1/1/2002 - )
- Sheep Industry News (10/1/2005 - )
- Silva Fennica (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Situation and Outlook Report. Tobacco (4/1/1995 - ) GPO
- Tree Physiology (6/1/1986 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Tropical Conservation Science (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- U.S. Agricultural Trade Update (1/1/1995 - ) GPO
- Unasylva (7/1/1947 - )
- Urban Habitats (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Veterinarni medicina (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Veterinary Medicine International (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Veterinary Medicine International (1/1/2010 - ) Pubmed
- Veterinary Research (2/1/2009 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Veterinary Research (1/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 1 year)
- Wheat Yearbook (2/1/1995 - )
- Wildlife Biology in Practice (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- (con)textos : Revista d'Antropologia i Investigacio Social (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Afroeuropa : Revista de Estudios Afroeuropeos (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Alfa: Revista de Lingüística (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Amérique Latine Histoire et Mémoire (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Anistoriton: history, archaeology, arthistory (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Annual of Urdu Studies (1/1/1981 - ) DOAJ
- Anpere : Anthropological Perspectives on Religion (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Anthropoetics (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Anthropological Notebooks (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Anthropological Science (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Anthropologist (New Delhi, India : 1999) (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Anthropology Matters Journal (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Anthropology of Food (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Antrocom : Online Journal of Anthropology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Antropologija (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Arkeotek Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Arqueologia Iberoamericana (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- ASEAS : Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies / Österreichische Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Asian Culture and History (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Asian Folklore Studies (1/1/1942 - 12/31/2007) DOAJ
- Austrian studies in social anthropology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- British Archaeology (2/1/1995 - ; excluding most recent 1 year)
- California and Western Medicine (1/1/1924 - 6/1/1946) Pubmed
- California Linguistic Notes (3/1/2001 - )
- California Medicine (1/1/1946 - 12/1/1973) Pubmed
- California State Journal of Medicine (1/1/1902 - 2/1/1924) Pubmed
- Catalan Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Courier (Paris, France : 1948) (2/1/1948 - 12/31/1953)
- Crisolenguas (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Cultura : International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Cultural Analysis (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Culture - History - Globalization (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Culture, Society and Praxis (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Durham Anthropological Journal (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Ecological and Environmental Anthropology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- E-Keltoi: Journal of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Environment and urbanization (4/1/1989 - ; excluding most recent 3 years) Highwire Press Free
- Etnoantropoloski problemi (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Etudes caribéennes (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Folklore (Tartu) (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Globality Studies Journal : Global History, Society, Civilization (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Hadashot Arkheologiyot (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Ibérica (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Indian Folklife (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Multicultural Societies (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Joannea Geologie und Paläontologie (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (7/1/2005 - ) BMC
- Journal of Identity and Migration Studies (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Pan African Studies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Transnational American Studies (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Kacike: Journal of Caribbean Amerindian History and Anthropology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Lingua Romana : a journal of French, Italian and Romanian culture (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Linguagem e Ensino (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Linguagem em (Dis)curso (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistica en la Red (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistica Occitana (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistica Uralica (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistics Journal (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistik online (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Modern Journal of Applied Linguistics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Music and Anthropology (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Northwest Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Omertaa, journal for Applied Anthropology (1/1/2007 - )
- Open Anthropology Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Philologia (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática (2/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Revue d'Etudes Tibétaine (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Rosetta (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Shima : The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Studi Linguistici e Filologici Online (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Transforming Cultures (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Unesco Courier (2006) (3/1/2006 - )
- vis-á-vis: Explorations in Anthropology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Western Journal of Medicine (1/1/1974 - 9/1/2002) Pubmed
- Work in progress (3/1/1998 - )
- Animation Studies (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Art and Research : A Journal of Ideas, Contexts and Methods (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Bonefolder, an e-journal for the bookbinder and book artist (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Convergencias : Revista de Investigacao e Ensino das Artes (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Design and Technology Education (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Documentary Box: Online Journal of the Yamagata Int'l Documentary Film Festival (10/15/1994 - 3/10/2005)
- Eludamos : Journal for Computer Game Culture (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Epiphany (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Footprint (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Games (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Image and narrative online magazine of the visual narrative (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Baudrillard Studies (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Design (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Aesthetics and Culture (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Art Historiography (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Learning Through the Arts (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- KEMANUSIAAN : The Asian Journal of Humanities (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- M/C Journal (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Mediascape : UCLA's Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Multi : The RIT Journal of Plurality and Diversity in Design (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Museum and Society (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Music and Arts in Action (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Nevada Arts News (1/1/2000 - )
- New Voices in Classical Reception Studies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Papers of Surrealism (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Peregrinations (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Scan: Journal of Media Arts Culture (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Tate papers (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Umbrella (1/1/1978 - 12/31/2008)
- Visual Culture and Gender (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Visual Culture in Britain (3/1/2009 - ) Taylor & Francis
- Wacana Seni Journal of Art Discourse (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Wide Screen (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Working papers in Art and Design (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
Basque Studies
- BAT (9/1/1992 - )
- BILTOKI (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Boletín de coyuntura económica y estadística del País Vasco (9/1/2003 - )
- Bulletin of the European Union (1/1/1996 - )
- Catalan Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Cuadernos de Gestión (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica (1/1/1982 - ) DOAJ
- Economic Analysis and Policy (1/1/1970 - ) DOAJ
- Educar (1/1/1982 - ) DOAJ
- Ekonomiaz (1/1/1985 - ) DOAJ
- Euskal Etxeak (3/15/1998 - ) (English version)
- Euskal Etxeak (3/15/1998 - ) (Spanish version)
- Euskonews and media (1/1/1998 - )
- Galtzaundi (7/18/2008 - )
- Goiz-Argi (1/1/1999 - )
- Histoire @ politique (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Hizketa: NABO Newsletter (4/1/1996 - 12/31/2008)
- Humanising Language Teaching (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Ikastorratza : e-Revista de Didáctica (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Multicultural Societies (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Jakin (1/1/1997 - 12/30/2002)
- Kera (1/1/2002 - )
- Papers : Revista de Sociologia (1/1/1973 - ) DOAJ
- Sancho el Sabio (1/1/1991 - )
- Senez (1/1/1991 - )
- Sustrai (4/1/2001 - )
- Vasconia (1/1/1893 - 12/31/1932)
- Zehar (1/1/1999 - )
- Zer : revista de estudios de comunicacion/komunikazio ikasketen aldizkaria (12/1/1996 - )
- Zubiak : Europa, probintzia askok osaturiko estatua da (Montesquieu) (11/1/2004 - )
- Acta Biochimica Polonica (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- African Journal of Biochemistry Research (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Algorithms for Molecular Biology : AMB (2/28/2006 - ) BMC
- Algorithms for Molecular Biology : AMB (2/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (1/1/1972 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (1/1/1972 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Archaea (3/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Archaea (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Bacteriological Reviews (12/1/1937 - 12/31/1977) Pubmed
- Bacteriological reviews (12/1/1937 - 12/31/1977) Highwire Press Free
- Biochemical Journal (1/1/1906 - ; excluding most recent 12 months)
- Biochemical Journal (1/1/1906 - 12/15/2007) Pubmed
- Biochemistry Insights (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Biochemistry Research International (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- BioMedical Engineering OnLine (5/1/2002 - ) BMC
- BioMedical Engineering OnLine (5/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Biophysical Journal (9/1/1960 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Biophysical journal (1/1/1998 - ; excluding most recent 1 year)
- Biopolymers and Cell (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Biotechnology for Biofuels (4/1/2008 - ) BMC
- BMC Biochemistry (7/19/2000 - ) BMC
- BMC Biochemistry (7/19/2000 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Chemical Biology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Chemical Biology (6/13/2001 - ) BMC
- Briefings in bioinformatics (1/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics (1/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- British Journal of Pharmacology (9/1/1968 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Cell Communication and Signaling (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Cell Communication and Signaling (8/1/2003 - ) BMC
- Cell Division (4/1/2006 - ) BMC
- Cell Regulation (1/1/1989 - 12/1/1991) Pubmed
- Cell Stress and Chaperones (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Chemical senses (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Clinical Biochemist Reviews (2/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- CNS Drug Reviews (3/1/1997 - 12/31/2007)
- Current Issues in Molecular Biology (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Drug metabolism and disposition (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- EMBO Journal (1/1/1982 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- EMBO Reports (1/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Epigenetics and Chromatin (10/1/2008 - ) BMC
- Epigenetics and Chromatin (1/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Eukaryotic cell (2/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Eukaryotic Cell (1/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Experimental physiology (1/1/1990 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Gene Regulation and Systems Biology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Gene Regulation and Systems Biology (2/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Genes and Development (3/1/1987 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Genes and Development (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Genes and Genetic Systems (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Journal (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Genome Research (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Genome research (8/1/1995 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Glycobiology (Oxford) (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Human molecular genetics (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Immunome Research (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Infectious Agents and Cancer (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Infectious Agents and Cancer (9/14/2006 - ) BMC
- International Journal of Wine Research (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Internet Journal of Genomics and Proteomics (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Invertebrate Survival Journal (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Genetics (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Biological Chemistry (10/1/1905 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Biological Chemistry (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Journal of Biological Physics (1/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Biomolecular Techniques : JBT (3/1/1999 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology (1/25/1955 - 12/31/1961) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology (1/25/1955 - 12/1/1961) Pubmed
- Journal of Biophysics (1/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Biophysics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Cancer Molecules (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling (6/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of chemical sciences (Bangalore, India) (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition (3/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology (3/1/1953 - 12/31/1986) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (1/1/1953 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Journal of Human Genetics (1/1/1977 - 12/31/2005)
- Journal of Insect Science (Tucson, Ariz.) (1/1/2001 - )
- Journal of Insect Science (Tucson, Ariz.) (1/1/2001 - 12/31/2005) Pubmed
- Journal of Insect Science (Tucson, Ariz.) (1/1/2001 - ) BioOne Open Access
- Journal of Insect Science (Tucson, Ariz.) (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of lipid research (10/1/1959 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Lipid Research (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Journal of Medical Biochemistry (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of molecular endocrinology (11/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Molecular Signaling (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Molecular Signaling (11/1/2006 - ) BMC
- Journal of Nucleic Acids (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Nucleic Acids (1/1/2010 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism (1/1/2010 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Receptor, Ligand and Channel Research (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Reproduction and Development (1/1/1992 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of reproduction and fertility (2/1/1960 - 11/30/2000) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of RNAi and Gene Silencing (8/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of RNAi and Gene Silencing (8/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Lipids in Health and Disease (1/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Lipids in Health and Disease (9/1/2002 - ) BMC
- mBio (5/1/2010 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Mobile DNA (1/1/2010 - ) BMC
- Mobile DNA (1/1/2010 - ) Pubmed
- Molecular BioSystems (1/1/2005 - ; excluding most recent 2 years)
- Molecular Brain (6/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Molecular Brain (6/1/2008 - ) BMC
- Molecular Cancer (1/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Molecular Cancer (7/1/2002 - ) BMC
- Molecular Cytogenetics (1/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Molecular Cytogenetics (3/1/2008 - ) BMC
- Molecular Plant (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (1/1/1988- 12/30/1996)
- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year)
- Molecular Systems Biology (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Natural Product Radiance (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Neural Plasticity (9/1/1998 - ) Pubmed
- Neurobiology of Lipids (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Nuclear Receptor Signaling (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Nuclear Receptor Signaling (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Nucleic Acids Research (1/1/1996 - ) OUP
- Nucleic Acids Research (1/1/1974 - ) Pubmed
- Nucleic acids symposium series (11/1/1999 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Open Biochemistry Journal (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Open Biochemistry Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Genomics Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Macromolecules Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Microbiology Journal (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Open Microbiology Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Parasites and Vectors (1/1/2008 - ) BMC
- Plant Genome (7/1/2008 - ) Agronomy Society of America
- Plant Methods (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Plant Methods (8/1/2005 - ) BMC
- Plant Omics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- PLoS Genetics (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- PLoS Genetics (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- PLoS Pathogens (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (1/15/1915 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (1/1/1915 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Protein engineering (1/1/1996 - 12/31/2003) Highwire Press Free
- Protein engineering, design and selection (1/1/2004 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Proteome Science (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Proteome Science (1/1/2003 - ) BMC
- Pure and Applied Chemistry (1/1/1960 - ; excluding most recent 2 years)
- Purinergic Signalling (12/1/2004 - ) Pubmed
- Reproduction (Cambridge, England) (1/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (1/1/2003 - ) BMC
- Research Letters in Biochemistry (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Retrovirology (2/1/2004 - ) BMC
- Retrovirology (1/1/2004 - ) Pubmed
- Reviews of Reproduction (1/1/1996 - 12/31/2000) Highwire Press Free
- RNA (Cambridge) (3/1/1995 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- RNA (Cambridge) (1/1/1995 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Stem Cell Research and Therapy (1/1/2010 - ) Pubmed
- Stem Cell Research and Therapy (1/1/2010 - ) BMC
- Systems and Synthetic Biology (3/1/2007 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Toxicological sciences (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine (10/1/1928 - ) Pubmed
- Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in physiology education (1/1/1989 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in physiology education (6/1/1989 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Algorithms for Molecular Biology : AMB (2/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Algorithms for Molecular Biology : AMB (2/28/2006 - ) BMC
- American Journal of Botany (2/24/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- American journal of epidemiology (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- American Journal of Human Genetics (9/1/1949 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology (7/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- American Museum Novitates (1/1/1921 - ) DOAJ
- American zoologist (1/1/1996 - 12/31/2001) Highwire Press Free
- Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (1/1/2004 - 1/30/2004) Pubmed
- Animal Research (1/1/2000 - 12/31/2006)
- Annales de Zootechnie (1/1/1952 - 12/31/2001)
- Annals of Botany (1/1/1993 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Annals of Botany (1/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Applied and environmental microbiology (1/1/1976 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology (1/1/1976 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Applied Microbiology (1/1/1953 - 12/1/1975) Pubmed
- Applied microbiology (1/1/1953 - 12/31/1975) Highwire Press Free
- Archaea (3/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Archaea (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (1/1/1995 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Auk (1/1/1884 - 10/1/1999)
- Bacteriological Reviews (12/1/1937 - 12/31/1977) Pubmed
- Bacteriological reviews (12/1/1937 - 12/31/1977) Highwire Press Free
- Behavioral ecology (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Bioethics Bulletin (1/1/1994 - )
- Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Bioinformatics and Biology Insights (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Bioinformation (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Bioinformation (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Biological Bulletin (Lancaster) (8/1/1899 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Biological Diversity and Conservation (6/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Biological Procedures Online (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Biological Procedures Online (1/1/1998 - ) Pubmed
- Biology Direct (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Biology Direct (1/1/2006 - ) BMC
- Biology Letters (3/22/2005 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Biology Letters (3/22/2005 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Biology of reproduction (4/1/1969 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Biomagnetic Research and Technology (1/1/2003 - 10/31/2008) Pubmed
- BioMagnetic Research and Technology (1/1/2003 - 10/31/2008) BMC
- Biophysical journal (1/1/1998 - ; excluding most recent 1 year)
- Biophysical Journal (9/1/1960 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- BMC Bioinformatics (7/27/2000 - ) BMC
- BMC Bioinformatics (1/1/2000 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Biology (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- BMC biology (11/28/2003 - ) BMC
- BMC Cell Biology (1/1/2000 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Cell Biology (11/1/2000 - ) BMC
- BMC Chemical Biology (6/13/2001 - ) BMC
- BMC Chemical Biology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Developmental Biology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Developmental Biology (1/8/2001 - ) BMC
- BMC Ecology (5/24/2001 - ) BMC
- BMC Ecology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Evolutionary Biology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Evolutionary Biology (2/19/2001 - ) BMC
- BMC Genetics (10/4/2000 - ) BMC
- BMC Genetics (1/1/2000 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Genomics (1/1/2000 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Genomics (7/27/2000 - ) BMC
- BMC Immunology (11/6/2000 - ) BMC
- BMC Immunology (1/1/2000 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Microbiology (2/9/2001 - ) BMC
- BMC Microbiology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Molecular Biology (1/1/2000 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Molecular Biology (10/18/2000 - ) BMC
- BMC Neuroscience (12/6/2000 - ) BMC
- BMC Neuroscience (1/1/2000 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Physiology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Physiology (1/23/2001 - ) BMC
- BMC Plant Biology (9/26/2001 - ) BMC
- BMC Plant Biology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Structural Biology (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- BMC Structural Biology (6/4/2001 - ) BMC
- BMC systems biology (6/6/2006 - ) BMC
- BMC Systems Biology (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- BMJ: British Medical Journal (1/1/1994 - 12/31/2005) Highwire Press Free
- BMJ: British Medical Journal (7/2/1988 - 7/18/2008) Pubmed
- Botanical Electronic News (10/15/1995 - )
- Brain (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Briefings in bioinformatics (1/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics (1/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- British Journal of Cancer (3/1/1947 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Bulletin (Entomological Society of Canada) (12/1/2001 - )
- Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (1/1/1881 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (1/1/1999 - ) ESA
- Canotia (1/1/2005 - )
- CBE Life Sciences Education (4/1/2006 - ) Highwire Press Free
- CBE Life Sciences Education (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Cell Adhesion and Migration (1/1/2007 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Cell and Chromosome (1/1/2002 - 12/31/2008) BMC
- Cell and Chromosome (1/1/2002 - 12/31/2008) Pubmed
- Cell Biology Education (1/1/2002 - 12/31/2005) Pubmed
- Cell Biology Education (3/1/2002 - 12/31/2005) Highwire Press Free
- Cell Communication and Signaling (8/1/2003 - ) BMC
- Cell Communication and Signaling (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Cell Death and Disease (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Cell Division (4/1/2006 - ) BMC
- Cell growth and differentiation (1/1/1990 - 9/30/2002) Highwire Press Free
- Cell Health and Cytoskeleton (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Cell Regulation (1/1/1989 - 12/1/1991) Pubmed
- Cell Stress and Chaperones (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Cell Structure and Function (1/1/1975 - ) DOAJ
- Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. 1991) (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Chem-Bio Informatics Journal (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Chemical senses (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Christmas Bird Count (12/1/1997 - )
- Clinical Science (5/1/1998 - 12/31/2009)
- Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology (7/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Condor (1/7/1899 - 11/1/2000)
- Conservation Evidence (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Current Genomics (11/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Current Issues in Molecular Biology (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Database : the Journal of Biological Databases and Curation (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Database : the Journal of Biological Databases and Curation (3/1/2009 - ) OUP
- Development (Cambridge) (1/1/1987 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Diversity (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- DNA Research (8/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- DNA Research (1/1/1994 - ) OUP
- Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- EMBO Journal (1/1/1982 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Endocrine Journal (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Entomotropica (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Epigenetics and Chromatin (10/1/2008 - ) BMC
- Epigenetics and Chromatin (1/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Eukaryotic Cell (1/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Eukaryotic cell (2/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- European Cells and Materials (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- EvoDevo (7/1/2010 - ) BMC
- Experimental physiology (1/1/1990 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Extreme Life, Biospeology and Astrobiology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- FASEB journal (7/1/1987 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Fibrogenesis and Tissue Repair (10/1/2008 - ) BMC
- Fibrogenesis and Tissue Repair (1/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Florida Entomologist (1/1/2002 - ) BioOne Open Access
- Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Frontiers in Zoology (1/1/2004 - ) Pubmed
- Frontiers in Zoology (9/29/2004 - ) BMC
- Gene Regulation and Systems Biology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Gene Regulation and Systems Biology (2/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- General and applied plant physiology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Genes and Development (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Genes and Development (3/1/1987 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Genes and Genetic Systems (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Genes to cells : devoted to molecular and cellular mechanisms (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Journal (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Genetics (Austin) (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Pubmed
- Genetics (Austin) (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Genetics and Molecular Research (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Genome Biology (1/1/2001 - ) BMC
- Genome Biology (1/1/2000 - ) Pubmed
- Genome Biology and Evolution (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Genome Biology and Evolution (1/1/2009 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Genome Integrity (5/1/2010 - ) Pubmed
- Genome Integrity (5/1/2010 - ) BMC
- Genome Research (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Genome research (8/1/1995 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Genomics, Society and Policy (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Glycobiology (Oxford) (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Hereditas (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Herpetological Conservation and Biology (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- HFSP Journal : frontiers of interdisciplinary research in the life sciences (5/1/2007 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Human Genomics and Proteomics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Human molecular genetics (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Human reproduction (Oxford) (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Human reproduction update (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- ICES journal of marine science (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Immunology (1/1/1958 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Immunome Research (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- In Silico Biology (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Integrative and comparative biology (2/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- International immunology (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- International Journal of Biological Sciences (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- International Journal of Biological Sciences (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Botany (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Cell Biology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Cell Biology (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- International Journal of Ecology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International journal of epidemiology (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- International Journal of Evolutionary Biology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Human Genetics (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Microbiology (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- International Journal of Microbiology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences (1/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Plant Biology (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology (1/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- International Journal of Zoological Research (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Microbiology (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Internet Journal of Genomics and Proteomics (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Internet Journal of Microbiology (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Anatomy (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Pubmed
- Journal of Anatomy and Physiology (1/1/1867 - 7/30/1916) Pubmed
- Journal of Animal Science (1/1/1942 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Applied Genetics (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Journal of bacteriology (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Bacteriology (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Biological Physics (1/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Journal of Biological Research (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Biological Sciences (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Biology (London, England) (1/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Biology (London, England) (6/1/2002 - ) BMC
- Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration (3/13/2006 - ) BMC
- Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Biomolecular Techniques : JBT (3/1/1999 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology (1/25/1955 - 12/31/1961) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology (1/25/1955 - 12/1/1961) Pubmed
- Journal of Biosciences (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Cell Biology (1/1/1962 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Journal of cell biology (1/1/1962 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Cell Death (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of cell science (3/1/1966 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Circadian Rhythms (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Circadian Rhythms (10/20/2003 - ) BMC
- Journal of Clinical Microbiology (1/1/1975 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Journal of clinical microbiology (1/1/1975 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology (3/1/1953 - 12/31/1986) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Entomology (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of experimental biology (1/1/1930 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of experimental botany (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of general virology (1/1/1967 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Genetics (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of heredity (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (1/1/1953 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
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- Journal of leukocyte biology (7/1/1984 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
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- Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (1/1/1928 - ) DOAJ
- Laboratory Animals (London) (4/1/1967 - ; excluding most recent 3 years) Highwire Press Free
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- Mammalian Species (1/1/1969 - 7/1/2004)
- Marine Ornithology (1/1/1988 - ) DOAJ
- mBio (5/1/2010 - ) Highwire Press Free
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- Microbiology (Society for General Microbiology) (1/1/1994 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
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- Molecular and Cellular Biology (1/1/1981 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
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- Molecular and Cellular Proteomics : MCP (1/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
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- Molecular Biology of the Cell (1/1/1992 - ; excluding most recent 2 months) Pubmed
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- Molecular human reproduction (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
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- Mollusca (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist (1/1/2002 - ) BioOne Open Access
- Mutagenesis (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Mycological Bulletin (2/27/1904 - 3/1/1908) JSTOR
- Neotropical Ichthyology (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Neotropical Primates (1/1/2004 - ) BioOne Open Access
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- Neurobiology of Lipids (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- North American Fungi (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
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- Nucleic Acids Research (1/1/1974 - ) Pubmed
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- Nucleic acids symposium series (11/1/1999 - ) Highwire Press Free
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- Pacific Northwest Fungi (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
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- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (1/15/1915 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
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- Respiratory Research (7/30/2000 - ) BMC
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- Reviews of Reproduction (1/1/1996 - 12/31/2000) Highwire Press Free
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- Viruses (6/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
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- EEO Insight (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
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- Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
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- German Risk and Insurance Review (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Finance and Accountancy (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information, Law and Technology (1/1/1996 - 12/31/2009) DOAJ
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- Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
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- Management (Koper, Slovenia) (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
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- Management Science and Engineering (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Managing Global Transitions (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
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- Open Business Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- PASOS : Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Philosophy for Business (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Practical Business Research (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Producer Price Indexes
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- Quality Innovation Prosperity (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Research and Practice in Human Resource Management (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Research in Business and Economics Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Review of Economic and Business Studies (REBS) (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Review of Finance and Banking (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Brasileira de Finanças (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Revista de Contabilidad : Spanish Accounting Review (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Revista de Turism (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
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- Southern African Business Review (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
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- U.S. Agricultural Trade Update (1/1/1995 - ) GPO
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- Acta Chimica Slovenica (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
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- Analele Universitatii Bucuresti : Chimie (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Analytical Chemistry Insights (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
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- Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. Section B, Engineering (4/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
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- Chemical Sciences Journal (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
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- Chemistry Education : Research and Practice (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
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- Computational Biology and Chemistry : Advances and Applications (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
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- Current Chemical Genomics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Diffusion Fundamentals (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- E-Journal of Chemistry (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
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- European Journal of Chemistry (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
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- International Journal of High Dilution Research (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Photoenergy (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Physical Sciences (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Business Chemistry (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of the Korean Chemical Society (1/1/1949 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Mexical Chemical Society (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Laser Chemistry (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
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- Leonardo Journal of Sciences (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Materials (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
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- Materials Structure (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Metalurgija (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
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- Open Chemical Physics Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Clinical Chemistry Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Crystallography Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
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- Open Medicinal Chemistry Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
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- Open Organic Chemistry Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Physical Chemistry Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
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- Orbital : the Electronic Journal of Chemistry (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Organic Chemistry International (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
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- Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry (1/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
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- Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B Physical and Biological Sciences (1/1/1977 - ) DOAJ
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- Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (1/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
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- Records of Natural Products (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (1/1/1984 - 12/31/2007) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of Climate (1/1/1988 - 12/31/2007) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology (1/1/1983 - 12/31/1987) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of Physical Oceanography (1/1/1971 - 12/31/2007) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (1/1/1962 - 12/31/2007) American Meteorological Society
- Monthly Weather Review (6/1/1872 - 12/31/2007) American Meteorological Society
- NOAA report (1/1/2002 - 3/31/2006) GPO
- Ocean Science (OS) (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Ocean Science Discussions (OSD) (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Oceanus: the online magazine of research from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Open Atmospheric Science Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Science of Tsunami Hazards (1/1/1984 - ) DOAJ
- Weather and Forecasting (6/1/1986 - 12/31/2007) American Meteorological Society
- Weekly weather and crop bulletin (1/1/1971 - ) GPO
- AACE Journal (1/1/2001 - )
- Acoustics Research Letters Online (9/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Alfa: Revista de Lingüística (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- American Communication Journal (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Comunicar (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Cross-cultural Communication (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- eLearning Papers (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Epiphany (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Estudos em Comunicação (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Flusser Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Forum: Qualitative Social Research (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Global Media Journal (Canadian Edition) (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Global Media Journal : Australian Edition (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Historia y Comunicación Social (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Information Technology and Disabilities (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Innovate Journal of Online Education (1/1/2004 - 9/30/2009) DOAJ
- Innovation Journalism (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Communication (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Review of Information Ethics (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of deaf studies and deaf education (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of eLiteracy (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Intercultural Communication (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Writing Research (6/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Junctures : Journal for Thematic Dialogue (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistik online (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Lodz Papers in Pragmatics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- MediaTropes (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- MedieKultur : Journal of Media and Communication Research (1/1/1985 - ) DOAJ
- Philologia (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- PLATFORM : Journal of Media and Communication (7/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Psychology of Language and Communication (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Radical Pedagogy (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Rhetorical Review : Electronic Review of Books on the History of rhetoric (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Rocky Mountain Communication Review (6/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- SKY Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
Computer Science
- Advances in Artificial Intelligence (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Artificial Neural Systems (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Human-Computer Interaction (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Software Engineering (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- African Journal of Information and Communication Technology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Annals. Computer Science Series (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Applied GIS (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Archives of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Association for Computing Machinery New Zealand Bulletin (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Australian Journal of Information Systems (9/1/1993 - 3/31/2003) DOAJ
- BioData Mining (7/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- BioData Mining (7/1/2008 - ) BMC
- Brain. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Computer and Information Science (2/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Computer Science and Telecommunications (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Computer Science Journal of Moldova (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Computer Software (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Computer-mediated communication magazine (5/1/1994 - )
- Cytotechnology (1/1/2007 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Data Science Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Database : the Journal of Biological Databases and Curation (3/1/2009 - ) OUP
- Database : the Journal of Biological Databases and Curation (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Ethicomp Journal (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- EURASIP Journal on Information Security (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Frontiers in Neuroinformatics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Frontiers in Neuroinformatics (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Future Internet (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Human IT (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- IAENG International Journal of Computer Science (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Identity in the Information Society (12/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Image Analysis and Stereology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Informatica (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Information Technology Journal (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Information, Interaction, Intelligence Journal (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Informing Science International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Innovations in teaching and learning in information and computer sciences : ITALICS (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Intel Technology Journal (6/1/1997 - )
- Inteligencia Artificial. Ibero-American Journal of Artificial Intelligence (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Computational Cognition (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Computer Games Technology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International journal of Computer Networks and Communications (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Computer Science and Applications (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Computer Science Issues (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication Engineering (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Next-Generation Networks (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Software Engineering (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networks (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems (3/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Interpersona : An International Journal on Personal Relationships (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Computer Science and Mathematics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computer Science (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computer Science and Technology (La Plata, Argentina) (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computers (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computing (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computing and Information Technology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Digital Information (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Humanoids (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Machine Learning Research (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Networks (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Object Technology (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Software (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Universal Computer Science (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Modelling and Simulation in Engineering (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Applied Informatics Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Artificial Intelligence Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Software Engineering Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- RLE Currents (6/1/1988 - 9/1/1999)
- Scalable Computing : Practice and Experience (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (1/1/1989 - ) DOAJ
- Scientific Annals of Computer Science (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Source Code for Biology and Medicine (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Source Code for Biology and Medicine (10/12/2006 - ) BMC
- Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai : Series Informatica (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Studies in Informatics and Control (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Theory of Computing (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- UPGRADE : European Journal for the Informatics Professional (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- VLSI Design (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Human-Computer Interaction (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Multimedia (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- African Journal of Information and Communication Technology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Applied GIS (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Australasian Journal of Information Systems (9/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Bioinformatics and Biology Insights (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Bulletin of Applied Computing and Information Technology (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Campus Technology (10/1/2004 - )
- CIO Online (9/14/1994 - )
- Computers in Higher Education Economics Review (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Cyberlaw Informer (3/4/1999 - 5/2/2001)
- DB2 Magazine (11/1/1996 - 12/31/2007)
- Design and Technology Education (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- DM Review (11/1/1997 - 12/31/2008)
- Ethicomp Journal (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- First Monday (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Game Studies (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- IBM Data Management (6/1/2009 - )
- IBM Database Magazine (1/1/2008 - 1/30/2009)
- Information Management (Brookfield, Wis.) (1/1/2009 - )
- Information Technologies and International Development (9/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Intel Technology Journal (6/1/1997 - )
- Interactive Educational Multimedia (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computing (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Digital Information (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Electronic Publishing (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information, Law and Technology (1/1/1996 - 12/31/2009) DOAJ
- Journal of Statistical Software (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Association for History and Computing (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Meridian (Raleigh): a middle school computer technologies journal (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- NCSA Access (1/1/1992 - 6/1/1996)
- Network Computing (1/1/1995 - )
- No Solo Usabilidad Journal (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Open Software Engineering Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Proceedings of the AMIA Annual Fall Symposium (1/1/1996 - 12/31/1997) Pubmed
- Proceedings of the AMIA Symposium (1/1/1998 - 12/31/2002) Pubmed
- Research Journal of Information Technology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Scout Report (9/4/1994 - )
- Slot Manager (3/1/2008 - )
- Syllabus (7/1/2001 - 9/1/2004)
- Webology (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
Consumer Information
- Escape from America (6/1/1998 - )
- FDA Consumer (12/1/1989 - 4/30/2007) GPO
- Journal of Research for Consumers (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Offshore Real Estate Quarterly (6/1/2001 - )
Countries & Regions
- Africa Renewal (1/1/2004 - )
- Afrika Focus (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Azure. Ideas for the Jewish nation (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin of the European Union (1/1/1996 - )
- Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Frontera Norte (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- global-e : a Global Studies Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Horizons (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Asia-Pacific studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Asia Pacific Studies (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Bhutan Studies (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Pakistaniaat : A Journal of Pakistan Studies (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Shima : The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Statistical newsletter (4/1/1996 - )
- Work in progress (3/1/1998 - )
- World Bank Research Digest (9/1/2006 - )
Criminal Justice
- African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Alaska Justice Forum (3/1/1993 - )
- Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford) (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Champ pénal (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Crime Times (1/1/1995 - )
- Crimes and Misdemeanours (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Criminology and Social Integration Journal (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Comparative Law (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- ERCES : Online Quarterly Review (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Essex Human Rights Review (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- InDret (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Intellectum (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Cyber Criminology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Injury and Violence Research (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Prisoners on Prisons (1/1/1988 - )
- Journal of Security Sector Management (4/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (3/1/2002 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Jury Expert (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Justice Policy Journal (8/1/2001 - )
- Law and Contemporary Problems (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Open Criminology Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Law Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Public Space: The Journal of Law and Social Justice (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Sexual Offender Treatment (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Studies in Social Justice (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Western Criminology Review (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
Current Events
- Atlantic Monthly (9/1/1995 - )
- Audacity Magazine (7/1/2003 - )
- Call of the wild (1/1/2003 - 1/30/2006)
- Central Europe Review (6/28/1999 - 12/31/2000)
- Challenges : newsletter on progress towards the Millennium Development Goals from a child rights perspective (1/1/2005 - )
- Gully (2/6/2000 - 4/3/2006)
- Journal of Medical Ethics (2/1/2000 - 12/31/2005) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Medical Ethics (4/1/1975 - ; excluding most recent 3 years) Pubmed
- Nevada Sagebrush (8/1/2007 - )
- New Courier (5/1/2002 - 11/30/2005)
- Reno Magazine (4/1/2004 - )
- Unesco Courier (Paris, France : 1989) (4/1/1996 - 12/31/2001)
- WireTap Magazine (4/1/2000 - )
- Acta Universitatis Danubius : Oeconomica (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- African Journal of Accounting, Economics, Finance and Banking Research (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Análisis Económico (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Annales Universitatis Apulensis : Series Oeconomica (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Annals of the University of Oradea : Economic Science (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Annals of the University of Petrosani : Economics (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Asian Development Outlook : ADO (1/1/1996 - )
- Banwa : a Multidisciplinary Journal (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Business and Economics Journal (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Cato Journal (1/1/1981 - ) DOAJ
- CESifo Forum (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Civitas (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Computers in Higher Education Economics Review (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Contemporary Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Cotton, World Markets and Trade (10/1/1996 - ) GPO
- Crossroads (Milan, Italy) (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales (1/1/1991 - ) DOAJ
- Current Research Journal of Economic Theory (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Delaware Review of Latin American Studies (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Econ Journal Watch (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Economia : Seria Management (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Economic Analysis and Policy (1/1/1970 - ) DOAJ
- Economic Analysis Working Papers (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Economic Indicators (1/1/1998 - ) GPO
- Economic Sociology (2000) (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Economic Sociology : the European Electronic Newsletter (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Economics : The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Economics and Organization of Enterprise (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Economics Bulletin (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Ekonomska Misao i Praksa (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Ekonomski Pregled (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Entelequia. Revista interdisciplinar (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Erasmus Law and Economics Review (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Estudios de Economia (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Estudios Fronterizos (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Euro-barometer (1/1/1974 - )
- European Journal of Comparative Economics (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- European Papers on the New Welfare : Quaderni Europei sul Nuovo Welfare (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Federal Reserve Bulletin (1/1/1997 - )
- Finance and development (3/1/1996 - )
- Financial Theory and Practice (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Focus (Madison, Wis.) (1/1/1976 - ) DOAJ
- Frontera Norte (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- global-e : a Global Studies Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Health policy and planning (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- IMF research bulletin (6/1/2000 - )
- Informatica Economica Journal (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of the Commons (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International NGO Journal (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Productivity Monitor (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- International Research Journal of Finance and Economics (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Review of Economics Education (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Investigaciones Europeas de Direccion y Economia de la Empresa (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Inzinerine ekonomika = Engineering Economics (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Island Studies Journal (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Competitiveness (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Education for International Development (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Rural and Community Development (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Jurnal Kemanusiaan (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Just Labour : A Canadian Journal of Work and Society (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Laissez-faire (Guatemala, Guatemala) (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Managing Global Transitions (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Monthly Labor Review (1/1/1981 - ) GPO
- Nevada Economy in Brief (12/1/2000 - )
- Nova Economia (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Open Economics Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Ovidius University Annals : Economic Sciences Series (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- PEB Exchange (9/1/1998 - ) OECD
- Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Producer Price Indexes
- Research in Business and Economics Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Review of Economic and Business Studies (REBS) (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Review of Economics and Institutions (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Review of Network Economics (3/1/2002 - ) BePress
- Revista de Derecho (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Revista de Economia (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Revue de la regulation. Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs (6/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Rivista di Diritto dell'Economia : dei Trasporti e dell'Ambiente (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association (3/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Social Security Bulletin (1/1/1995 - ) GPO
- South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics (SEEJE) (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- State of World Population (1/1/1996 - )
- Theoretical and Applied Economics (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Theoretical Economics (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Trócaire Development Review (1/1/1985 - ) DOAJ
- Trade, Law and Development (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Trends in Agricultural Economics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- U.S. Housing Market Conditions (4/1/1994 - ) GPO
- UNITAR e-Journal (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- UTMS Journal of Economics (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Weekly Report (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- World Bank Research Digest (9/1/2006 - )
- World Transport Policy and Practice (1/1/1995 - )
- WTO Focus (8/1/1996 - )
- AACE Journal (1/1/2001 - )
- ALAN Review: Assembly on Literature for Adolescents (1/1/1994 - 3/1/2001)
- American Academic (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- American Communication Journal (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Cause/effect (1/1/1994 - 12/1/1999)
- College Quarterly (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Courier (Paris, France : 1948) (2/1/1948 - 12/31/1953)
- Early Childhood Research and Practice (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Education Policy Analysis Archives (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Education Review (Tempe, Ariz.) (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Education Statistics Quarterly (2/1/2000 - ) GPO
- Educational Technology and Society (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Educause Quarterly (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- eLearning Papers (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Literacy through Science (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Science Education (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- English Language Teaching (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Higher Education in Review (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- in education (12/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Innovate Journal of Online Education (1/1/2004 - 9/30/2009) DOAJ
- International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Progressive Education (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Special Education (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Teacher Leadership (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Whole Schooling (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Issues in Educational Research (1/1/1991 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Authentic Learning (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Distance Education (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Educational Enquiry (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Educators Online (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of eLiteracy (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information Literacy (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information Technology Education (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education (1/1/1992 - 12/31/2002)
- Journal of Interactive Media in Education (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Interactive Online Learning (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Leadership Education (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Learning Design (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Learning Through the Arts (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Literacy and Technology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Multimedia (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Nanotechnology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Research in Rural Education (1/1/1982 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Statistics Education (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Teaching and Learning (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Technology in Counseling (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Vocational and Technical Education (3/1/1995 - 9/1/1999)
- Kids count data book Current Year
- Language and Literacy A Canadian Educational E-journal (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Learning and Behavior (2/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- LEARNing Landscapes (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Mathematics Educator (1/1/1990 - ) DOAJ
- Nevada Kids Count Data Book (1/1/2000 - )
- New Educator (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (4/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Open Education Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Research in Higher Education Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Revista de Formación e Innovación Educativa Universitaria (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- RMLE Online (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- School Community Journal (1/1/1991 - ) DOAJ
- Science in School (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- State Indicators of Science and Mathematics Education (1/1/2001 - )
- Syllabus (7/1/2001 - 9/1/2004)
- T.H.E. Journal (1/1/1994 - )
- Teaching English with Technology (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- TEACHING Exceptional Children Plus... (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Technology, Pedagogy and Education (1/1/2003 - 12/31/2004)
- Unesco Courier (2006) (3/1/2006 - )
- Academic Open Internet Journal (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Acoustical Science and Technology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Acoustics Research Letters Online (9/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Acta Montanistica Slovaca (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Active and Passive Electronic Components (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Acoustics and Vibration (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Civil Engineering (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Environmental Sciences : International Journal of the Bioflux Society (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Mechanical Engineering (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Operations Research (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Optical Technologies (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in OptoElectronics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Power Electronics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Radio Science - Kleinheubacher Berichte (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Software Engineering (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Tribology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- AGC news and views (1/16/2004 - )
- American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- AMMTIAC Quarterly (1/1/2006 - )
- AMPTIAC Newsletter (1/1/1997 - 12/31/2001)
- AMPTIAC Quarterly (1/1/1997 - ) GPO
- AMPTIAC Quarterly (1/1/2002 - 12/31/2006)
- Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. Section A, Sciences (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. Section B, Engineering (4/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Architect (Washington, D.C.) (10/1/2006 - )
- Archives of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Archives of Materials Science and Engineering (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Archnet-IJAR : International Journal of Architectural Research (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Asphalt contractor (4/1/2004 - )
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Atmospheric Pollution Research (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- BioMedical Engineering OnLine (5/1/2002 - ) BMC
- BioMedical Engineering OnLine (5/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Bulletin of Applied Mechanics (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin of Materials Science (1/1/1979 - ) DOAJ
- Carson City Freeway (Nevada Dept. of Transportation (11/1/1999 - )
- Ceramics-Silikáy (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Chalcogenide Letters (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Chemical Processing (7/1/2001 - )
- Civil Engineering Dimension (3/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Computer Software (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Contemporary Engineering Sciences (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Control Engineering (1/1/1998 - )
- Control Engineering Europe (1/1/1998 - 11/30/2005)
- Dams and Reservoirs (1/1/2008 - )
- Data Science Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Diffusion Fundamentals (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Drinking Water Engineering and Science (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Drinking Water Engineering and Science Discussions (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- E T R I Journal (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- E-journal of Reservoir Engineering (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- E-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Electromagnetic Waves (Cambridge, Mass.) (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction (1/1/1996 - 12/31/2006) DOAJ
- Elektrika: Journal of Electrical Engineering (12/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Energies (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Environnement urbain (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- E-polymers (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- European Cells and Materials (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale (7/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Frontiers in Neuroengineering (1/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Frontiers in Neurorobotics (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Frontiers in Neurorobotics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Functional Materials (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- IAEA bulletin (1/1/1999 - )
- Identity in the Information Society (12/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- IETE Journal of Research (5/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- IETE Technical Review (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Image Analysis and Stereology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Intellectual Property Laws and Treaties (1/1/2002 - )
- International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Aerospace Engineering (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Chemical Engineering (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of ChemTech Research (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International journal of Computer Networks and Communications (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Corrosion (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Engineering (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Engineering and Technology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Online Engineering (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Photoenergy (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Polymer Science (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Power Management Electronics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Rotating Machinery (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- International journal of simulation. Systems, science and technology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Applications (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Thermodynamics (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Vehicular Technology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networks (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems (3/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Internet Journal of Nanotechnology (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Ion Exchange Letters (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (1/1/2009 - )
- Iranian Polymer Journal (1/1/1992 - ) DOAJ
- Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- ITS review (8/1/1996 - )
- Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Advanced Research in Mechanical Engineering (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Computer Science and Mathematics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Technology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (1/1/1984 - 12/31/2007) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computer Science and Technology (La Plata, Argentina) (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Construction in Developing Countries (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Control Science and Engineering (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Electrical Engineering : Theory and Application (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Electrical Systems (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Environmental Quality (1/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 18 months) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Industrial Technology (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information Technology in Construction (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of International Research Publications : Materials, Methods and Technologies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Light and Visual Environment (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Machine Learning Research (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Nanobiotechnology (1/1/2003 - ) BMC
- Journal of Nanobiotechnology (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Nanomaterials (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and its Applications (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Public Transportation (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Sustainable Development (3/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Technology Management and Innovation (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Technology Research (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the European Optical Society (Rapid Publications) (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Thermodynamics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Water and Environment Technology (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Lean Construction Journal (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Leonardo Journal of Sciences (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Machine Design (7/22/1989 - )
- Manufacturer and Builder (1/1/1868 - 12/1/1894) Making of America
- Materials (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Materials and Technologies (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Materials Structure (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Mathematical Problems in Engineering (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- MCEER Bulletin (Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research) (10/1/1998 - )
- Measurement Science Review (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- MEMS news (6/1/2003 - )
- Metalurgija (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Modelling and Simulation in Engineering (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Nano Biomedicine and Engineering (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Nano-Micro Letters (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Nanoscale Research Letters (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Nanotechnology, Science and Applications (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- NEA News (1/1/1999 - )
- Nonlinear Biomedical Physics (1/1/2007 - ) BMC
- Nonlinear Biomedical Physics (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Nordic Road and Transport Research (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- OAtube Nanotechnology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Oil and Gas Science and Technology (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Online Journal of Space Communication (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Open Acoustics Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Automation and Control Systems Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Biomedical Engineering Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Chemical Engineering Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Civil Engineering Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Construction and Building Technology Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Corrosion Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Electrical and Electronic Engineering Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Energy and Fuels Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Materials Science Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Mechanical Engineering Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Mechanics Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Nanoscience Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Optics Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Renewable Energy Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Software Engineering Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Thermodynamics Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Transportation Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Waste Management Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- PEER Report (Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center) (1/1/1998 - )
- Petroleum and Coal (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 2 years)
- Platinum metals review (1/1/1957 - ) DOAJ
- Polish Journal of Chemical Technology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (1/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- Progress In Electromagnetics Research B (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Progress In Electromagnetics Research C (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Radioengineering (10/1/1992 - ) DOAJ
- Remote Sensing (3/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Research Letters in Materials Science (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Research Letters in Nanotechnology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Research Letters in Optics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Reviews on Advanced Materials Science (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Revista de Metalurgia (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- RLE Currents (6/1/1988 - 9/1/1999)
- RLE Progress Report (1/1/1997 - )
- Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (3/1/2000 - ) IOP
- Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Science, Technology and Innovation Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Slot Manager (3/1/2008 - )
- Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Structural engineering / earthquake engineering (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Studies in Informatics and Control (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Technical Acoustics (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Technische Mechanik (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Technology Interface Journal (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Technometrics (2/1/2001 - ) ASA
- TeraWord (3/1/1991 - 8/30/2004)
- Texture, Stress, and Microstructure (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Thermal Science (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Transactions of the Visualization Society of Japan (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Transport (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Water S A (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
English, Literature, Linguistics
- 1611 : Journal of Translation History (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- 19 : Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- 3L : Language, Linguistics, Literature (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- 49th Parallel : An Interdisciplinary Journal of North America (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- AACE Journal (1/1/2001 - )
- Abstracta : Linguagem, Mente e Açào (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Acoustics Research Letters Online (9/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Across the disciplines (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Advancing Women in Leadership (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Afroeuropa : Revista de Estudios Afroeuropeos (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- ALAN Review: Assembly on Literature for Adolescents (1/1/1994 - 3/1/2001)
- Alfa: Revista de Lingüística (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- American Jewess (4/1/1895 - 8/31/1899) Making of America
- American Review : a Whig Journal of Politics, Literature, Art, and Science (1/1/1845 - 4/1/1850) Making of America
- American Studies Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- American Whig Review (5/1/1850 - 12/31/1852) Making of America
- Americana (Hollywood): the journal of American popular culture (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Americana : E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary (10/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- AmeriQuests (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Anglogermanica online (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Animus: a philosophical journal for our time (12/23/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Annals of Ovidius University Constanta. Philology (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Annual of Urdu Studies (1/1/1981 - ) DOAJ
- Appletons' Journal (12/7/1872 - 12/31/1881) Making of America
- Applied Language Learning (1/1/1996 - ) GPO
- Applied Semiotics (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Applied Theatre Researcher/IDEA journal (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Argumentum (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Asian Culture and History (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Asian EFL Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Asian Folklore Studies (1/1/1942 - 12/31/2007) DOAJ
- Aspeers : Emerging Voices in American Studies (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Atlantic Monthly (9/1/1995 - )
- Atlantic Monthly (1857) (11/1/1857 - 12/1/1901) Making of America
- Atlantis (1/1/1979 - ) DOAJ
- Audacity Magazine (7/1/2003 - )
- Australian Humanities Review (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Barroco (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Bay State Monthly (1/1/1884 - 11/1/1885) Making of America
- Belphegor (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Biblica (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Bonefolder, an e-journal for the bookbinder and book artist (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Book business (1/1/2006 - )
- Borderlands E-Journal: New Spaces in the Humanities (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Boston Review (6/1/1975 - )
- Braille Monitor (1/1/1987 - )
- Bright Lights Film Journal (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Brock Review (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Bryn Mawr Classical Review (1/1/1990 - ) DOAJ
- Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- California Linguistic Notes (3/1/2001 - )
- Call of the wild (1/1/2003 - 1/30/2006)
- Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Cardiff Corvey : Reading the Romantic Text (1/1/1997 - 12/31/2005) DOAJ
- Catalan Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Catholic World (1865) (4/1/1865 - 3/31/1901) Making of America
- Cause/effect (1/1/1994 - 12/1/1999)
- CEA forum (1/1/1999 - )
- Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (2/1/1882 - 10/1/1899) Making of America
- Century Magazine Scribner's Monthly (11/1/1881 - 1/1/1882) Making of America
- Cercles : Revue Pluridisciplinaire du Monde Anglophone (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Cervantes : Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America (1/1/1981 - ) DOAJ
- Children's Bookwatch (9/1/2001 - )
- CIRCULO de linguistica aplicada a la comunicacion (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Classical Receptions Journal (11/1/2009 - )
- CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Collegium : Studies across disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Colloquy (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Colorado Research in Linguistics (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Common Place (9/1/2000 - )
- Common Place (9/1/2000 - ) HistoryCoop
- Composition Forum (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Consciousness, Literature and the Arts (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Conservation and Society (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Contemporary Aesthetics (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Continental Monthly (1/1/1862 - 12/1/1864) Making of America
- COPAS : Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- CORELA (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Creolica (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Crisolenguas (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Crossings: Electronic Journal of Art and Technology (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Culture Machine (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Cuneiform Digital Library Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Current Issues in Education (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- CW3: Corvey Women Writers on the Web (7/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Delaware Review of Latin American Studies (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Demographic Research (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- DHQ (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Didáctica (Lengua y Literatura) (1/1/1989 - ) DOAJ
- Disputatio (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Divergencias : Revista de Estudios Linguisticos y Literarios (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Doctor Virtualis (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Documentary Box: Online Journal of the Yamagata Int'l Documentary Film Festival (10/15/1994 - 3/10/2005)
- Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- E Law - Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law (1/1/1993 - 12/31/2004) DOAJ
- Early Modern Japan : an Interdisciplinary Journal (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Early Modern Literary Studies (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Earthwise (7/1/1997 - )
- Ecology and Society (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Education Policy Analysis Archives (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Educational Technology and Society (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- eHumanista (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- eLearning Papers (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Antiquity (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Book Review (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of e-Learning (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (e-FLT) (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education (1/1/1999 - 11/30/2006) DOAJ
- ELIA (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- English for Specific Purposes World (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- English Language Teaching (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- English Teaching: Practice and Critique (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Epiphany (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Eras (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Essays in Education (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Estudios de linguistica del espanol (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Etudes episteme (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- European Journal of American Studies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Expositions : Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Eye of the Heart : A Journal of Traditional Wisdom (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Film-Philosophy (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Flusser Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Folklore (Tartu) (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Folklore Studies (1/1/1942 - 12/31/1962) DOAJ
- FORUM (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Forum: Qualitative Social Research (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- FULGOR: Flinders University Languages Group Online Review (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Galaxy (New York, N.Y. : 1866) (5/1/1866 - 1/1/1878) Making of America
- GEFAME (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Gender Forum (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- German as a foreign language (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Global Media Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Global Media Journal : Australian Edition (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Global Media Journal : Mediterranean Edition (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Glossator : Practice and Theory of the Commentary (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Glossos (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (7/1/1958 - )
- Green Theory and Praxis : The Journal of Ecopedagogy (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- GRETA Journal (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Gully (2/6/2000 - 4/3/2006)
- Harper's New Monthly Magazine (6/1/1850 - 4/1/1899) Making of America
- Heritage Language Journal (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Heroic Age (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Hipertexto (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Hispanic Issues On Line (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Historia y Comunicación Social (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- History of Intellectual Culture (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Humanising Language Teaching (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Humanities (1/1/1996 - ) GPO
- Human-Wildlife Conflicts (3/1/2007 - )
- Ianua: Revista Philologica Romanica (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- IASLonline (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- ICAME Journal (4/1/1994 - )
- IDEA: a Journal of Social Issues (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Image and narrative online magazine of the visual narrative (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Indian Folklife (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Indian Review of World Literature in English (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Indiana Magazine of History (3/1/2004 - ) HistoryCoopFree
- Information Technology and Disabilities (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- InKoj (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Innovate Journal of Online Education (1/1/2004 - 9/30/2009) DOAJ
- Innovation Journalism (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Intellectual Property Laws and Treaties (1/1/2002 - )
- International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Communication (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Education and the Arts (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of English Studies (IJES) (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Motorcycle Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Multicultural Education (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Multicultural Societies (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Qualitative Methods (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Magazine of Literature, Art, and Science (12/1/1850 - 4/1/1852) Making of America
- International Review of Information Ethics (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Internet Writing Journal (8/1/1997 - )
- inTRAlinea : Online Translation Journal (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Issues in Applied Linguistics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Jenda: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- JoSTrans : the Journal of Specialised Translation (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Academic and Business Ethics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Dagaare Studies (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of deaf studies and deaf education (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Electronic Publishing (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of eLiteracy (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of e-Media Studies (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Historical Biography (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Identity and Migration Studies (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education (1/1/1992 - 12/31/2002)
- Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Instructional Pedagogies (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Interactive Online Learning (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of International Women's Studies (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Language Contact (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Language Teaching and Research (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Literacy and Technology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Modern Turkish Studies (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Pan African Studies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Religion and Film (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Association for History and Computing (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Transnational American Studies (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Writing Research (6/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Junctures : Journal for Thematic Dialogue (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- K@ta : a Biannual Publication on the Study of Language and Literature (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Ka Mate Ka Ora : a New Zealand Journal of Poetry and Poetics (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Kritika Kultura (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Kritikos. Journal of postmodern cultural sound, text and image (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Ladies' Repository (Cincinnati, Ohio) (1/1/1841 - 12/31/1876) Making of America
- Lambda Book Report (4/1/2006 - )
- Language and Literacy A Canadian Educational E-journal (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Language at internet (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Language design (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Language Documentation and Conservation (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Language Learning and Technology (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Learning and teaching in higher education (LATHE) (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Leeds International Classical Studies (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Letras Hispanas (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Lexicometrica (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Lianes (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- LiBRI : Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Lingua Romana : a journal of French, Italian and Romanian culture (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Linguae. Rivista di linguae e culture moderne (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Linguagem e Ensino (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Linguagem em (Dis)curso (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Linguamática (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistic Discovery (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistica en la Red (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistica Occitana (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistica Uralica (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistics Journal (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistik online (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Littell's Living Age (8/17/1844 - 12/26/1896) Making of America
- Living Age (5/11/1844 - 8/10/1844) Making of America
- Living Age (Boston, Mass. : 1897) (1/2/1897 - 12/29/1900) Making of America
- LLJournal (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Lodz Papers in Pragmatics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- M/C Journal (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Mediascape : UCLA's Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Mediations (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- MediaTropes (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Medieval Review (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Mississippi Review (12/1/1995 - )
- Modern Journal of Applied Linguistics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- More than Thought : a Scholarly Literary Journal Devoted to Consciousness (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Nebula (Glebe, Sydney, N.S.W.) (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Nevada Magazine (7/1/2007 - )
- Nevada Sagebrush (8/1/2007 - )
- Nevada Silver and Blue (1/1/2003 - )
- New England Magazine (Boston, Mass. : 1887) (6/1/1887 - 8/1/1900) Making of America
- New England Magazine and Bay State Monthly (1/1/1886 - 5/1/1887) Making of America
- New Englander (New Haven, Conn.) (1/1/1843 - 9/1/1885) Making of America
- New Englander and Yale Review (11/1/1885 - 3/1/1892) Making of America
- New-England Magazine (Boston, Mass. : 1831) (7/1/1831 - 12/1/1835) Making of America
- NJES : Nordic Journal of English Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Nordic Journal of African Studies (1/1/1992 - ) DOAJ
- Nordicum-Mediterraneum (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Nordlit. Arbeidstidsskrift i litteratur. (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Nordlyd (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- North American Review (7/1/1821 - 12/1/1900) Making of America
- North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journal (5/1/1815 - 4/1/1821) Making of America
- Northwest Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Notes from the Windowsill (8/1/2000 - )
- Novitas-ROYAL (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Oklahoma Review (3/1/2000 - )
- Old Guard (New York, N.Y.) (1/1/1863 - 12/1/1867) Making of America
- On the issues (1/1/1999 - 12/31/1983)
- Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (4/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Open Applied Linguistics Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Oral Tradition (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Oregon Historical Quarterly (3/1/2003 - ) HistoryCoopFree
- Oslo Studies in Language (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Other Voices : The (e)Journal of Cultural Criticism (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Outskirts: Feminisms along the Edge (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Overland Monthly and Out West magazine (7/1/1868 - 12/31/1900) Making of America
- Papers : Explorations into Children's Literature (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Papers Lextra (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Papers of Surrealism (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Park Science (10/1/1980 - ) GPO
- Participations (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- PelicanWeb Journal of Sustainable Development (1/1/2005 -)
- Persuasions: the Jane Austen Journal (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Philament : An Online Journal of the Arts and Culture (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Philologia (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine : PEHM (3/17/2006 - ) BMC
- Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine : PEHM (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- PhiN (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Plagiary. Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Plagiarism, Fabrication, and Falsification (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- PLATFORM : Journal of Media and Communication (7/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Platform : Postgraduate e-Journal of Theatre and Performing Arts (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Poetess Archive Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Pores : An avant-gardist journal of poetics research (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Post Identity (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Postcolonial Text (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Psychology of Language and Communication (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Public Illumination Magazine - PIM (12/1/1979 - )
- Punchinello (4/2/1870 - 12/24/1870) Making of America
- Putnam's Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and National Interests (1/1/1868 - 11/1/1870) Making of America
- Putnam's Monthly (1/1/1853 - 9/1/1857) Making of America
- Qualitative Report (1/1/1990 - ) DOAJ
- Radical Pedagogy (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Reconstruction : Studies in Contemporary Culture (10/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Reno Magazine (4/1/2004 - )
- Review of Biblical Literature (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Eletrônica d o Instituto de Humanidades (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Letra Magna (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Nebrija (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem - ReVEL (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Revue LISA (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Rhetorical Review : Electronic Review of Books on the History of rhetoric (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Rocky Mountain Communication Review (6/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Romanitas, Lenguas y Literaturas Romances (9/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Romantic Textualities (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Romanticism On the Net (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Scenario (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Scholar and Feminist Online (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Scope: an on-line journal of film studies (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Scribner's Magazine (1/1/1887 - 6/1/1896) Making of America
- Scribners Monthly (11/1/1870 - 10/1/1881) Making of America
- Scripta Manent (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Semantics and Pragmatics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- SGI Quarterly (7/1/2004 - )
- Signs : International Journal of Semiotics (11/27/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Sintagma : Revista de Lingüística (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- SKY Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Snippets (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Southern Literary Messenger (8/1/1834 - 6/30/1864) Making of America
- Southern Quarterly Review (New Orleans, La.) (1/1/1842 - 2/28/1857) Making of America
- Sparks-Online (1/1/1999 - 12/31/2001)
- SQS : Journal of Queer Studies in Finland (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Studi Linguistici e Filologici Online (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Studia Humaniora Tartuensia (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Studies in Bibliography (1/1/1948 - 12/31/2002)
- Studies in Literature and Language (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Studies on Asia (East Lansing, Mich.) (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Suvremena Lingvistika (1/1/1966 - ) DOAJ
- Swahili-Forum (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Syllabus (7/1/2001 - 9/1/2004)
- Taiwan Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Teaching English with Technology (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Technology, Pedagogy and Education (1/1/2003 - 12/31/2004)
- Tejuelo : Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- TESL-EJ: Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Texto ! Textes et cultures (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Thirdspace : a Journal of Feminist Theory and Culture (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Toronto Slavic Quarterly (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Transatlantica (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Transcending silence (4/1/2004 - )
- Transformations: Liberal Arts in the Digital Age (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Transforming Cultures (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Translation and Interpreting (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Translation journal (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- tripleC : Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- TRIVIA: Voice of Feminism (12/1/2004 - )
- Trumpeter (1/1/1983 - ) DOAJ
- Umbrella (1/1/1978 - 12/31/2008)
- Vanity Fair (New York, N.Y. : 1859) (1/1/1860 - 12/31/1862) Making of America
- Verniana : Jules Verne Studies/Etudes Jules Verne (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Weber Studies (1/1/1984 - )
- Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Wide Screen (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- William James Studies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- WireTap Magazine (4/1/2000 - )
- Women in Literacy and Life Assembly (9/1/2001 - 9/1/2003)
- Working Papers in Functional Grammar (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Acclimations: Newsletter of the U.S. Nat'l Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change (7/1/1998 - 12/1/2000)
- Advances in Environmental Sciences : International Journal of the Bioflux Society (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- American Journal of Environmental Sciences (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (1/1/2004 - 1/30/2004) Pubmed
- Annals of occupational hygiene (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Antarctic Journal of the United States (1/1/1995 - 12/31/1999) GPO
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology (1/1/1976 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Applied and environmental microbiology (1/1/1976 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Applied and Environmental Soil Science (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Applied Ecology and Environmental Research (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Aquatic Invasions (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- ARC News (9/1/2005 - )
- ARC User (1/1/1998 - )
- Arid Lands Newsletter (3/1/1994 - )
- Berkeley Lab Research Review (5/1/1996 - ) GPO
- Biogeosciences (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Biogeosciences Discussions (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Biological Diversity and Conservation (6/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Biotechnology for Biofuels (4/1/2008 - ) BMC
- Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (1/1/1999 - ) ESA
- CEBE Transactions (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Cities and the Environment (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Consequences: the Nature and Implications of Environmental Change (3/1/1995 - 12/1/1999)
- Conservation Evidence (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Diversity (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Earth Interactions (1/1/1997 - 12/31/2007) American Meteorological Society
- Earthwise (7/1/1997 - )
- Ecohydrology (1/1/2008 - )
- Electronic Green Journal (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Environment and urbanization (4/1/1989 - ; excluding most recent 3 years) Highwire Press Free
- Environmental Health Perspectives (1/1/1972 - ) Pubmed
- Environmental Health Perspectives (1/1/1972 - ) GPO
- EnvironmentAsia (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Extreme Life, Biospeology and Astrobiology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Friends of Nevada Wilderness (6/1/2006 - )
- Green Theory and Praxis : The Journal of Ecopedagogy (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Holos Environment (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Human-Wildlife Conflicts (3/1/2007 - )
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Ecology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Environmental Research (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Environmental Sciences (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Meteorology (1/1/1962 - 12/31/1982) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of Applied Meteorology (1988) (1/1/1988 - 12/31/2005) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (1/1/2006 - 12/31/2007) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of bacteriology (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Bacteriology (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Journal of Biopesticides (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology (1/1/1983 - 12/31/1987) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of Environmental and Public Health (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of Environmental and Public Health (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Environmental Quality (1/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 18 months) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Human Ecology (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Range Management (10/1/1948 - 11/30/2003)
- Journal of Sustainable Development (3/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Threatened Taxa (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Transport and Land Use (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Water and Health (1/1/2003 - 12/31/2005)
- Journal of Wildlife Diseases (1/1/1970 - ; excluding most recent 18 months) Highwire Press Free
- Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (1/1/1928 - ) DOAJ
- Law, Environment and Development Journal (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Mammalian Species (1/1/1969 - 7/1/2004)
- Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist (1/1/2002 - ) BioOne Open Access
- Mountain Research and Development (1/1/2000 - ) BioOne Open Access
- Nevada Magazine (7/1/2007 - )
- Oceanography (1/1/1988 - ) DOAJ
- Oceanologia (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Oceanus: the online magazine of research from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Open Conservation Biology Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Energy and Fuels Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Environmental and Biological Monitoring Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Plant, Soil and Environment (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Population Newsletter (6/1/2002 - )
- Primate Conservation (1/1/2006 - ) BioOne Open Access
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (1/1/1915 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (1/15/1915 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Rangifer (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Research Letters in Ecology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- State and federal permits required in Nevada before mining or milling can begin Current
- Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland) (3/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Sustainability : Science, Practice, and Policy (4/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Toxicological sciences (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Transitional Waters Bulletin (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Transitional Waters Monographs (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- U.S. MAB bulletin (1/1/1994 - 12/31/1997) GPO
- Unasylva (7/1/1947 - )
- Urban Habitats (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Water (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Water Alternatives (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Wingspan (Boise, Idaho) (1/1/2006 - )
Ethnic Studies
- African American Research Perspectives (11/1/1994 - 12/31/2005)
- Afrika Focus (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Afrikanistik Online (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Afroeuropa : Revista de Estudios Afroeuropeos (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Alternatives (Istanbul, Turkey) (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- American Studies Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Annual of Urdu Studies (1/1/1981 - ) DOAJ
- ASEAS : Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies / Österreichische Zeitschrift für Südostasienwissenschaften (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Asian Ethnology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Asian Folklore Studies (1/1/1942 - 12/31/2007) DOAJ
- Atlantis (1/1/1979 - ) DOAJ
- Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Barroco (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin de l'Institut francais d'études Andines (1/1/1972 - ) DOAJ
- Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Creolica (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Cross-cultural Communication (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- darkmatter Journal: In the Ruins of Imperial Culture (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Delaware Review of Latin American Studies (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- E.I.A.L. : Estudios interdisciplinarios de America Latina y el Caribe (1/1/1990 - ) DOAJ
- Early Modern Japan : an Interdisciplinary Journal (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- ELIA (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Forum for Inter-American Research (FIAR) (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- GEFAME (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Heritage Language Journal (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Hipertexto (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Hispanic Issues On Line (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Hmong Studies Journal (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Ianua: Revista Philologica Romanica (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Asia-Pacific studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Cuban Studies (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Multicultural Education (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Multicultural Societies (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Irish Migration Studies in Latin America (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Dagaare Studies (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Identity and Migration Studies (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Modern Turkish Studies (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Pan African Studies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- MAI Review (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Nordic Journal of African Studies (1/1/1992 - ) DOAJ
- Postcolonial Text (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Latinoamericana de Etnomatemática (2/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Studia Judaica (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Studies on Asia (East Lansing, Mich.) (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Swahili-Forum (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Translocations : Irish Migration, Race and Social Transformation Review (10/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
Film Studies
- 49th Parallel : An Interdisciplinary Journal of North America (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Bright Lights Film Journal (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Documentary Box: Online Journal of the Yamagata Int'l Documentary Film Festival (10/15/1994 - 3/10/2005)
- Eras (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Film-Philosophy (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Film Preservation (11/1/1995 - 10/1/2003)
- Journal of Religion and Film (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Language Learning and Technology (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Mediascape : UCLA's Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Other Voices : The (e)Journal of Cultural Criticism (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Participations (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Scope: an on-line journal of film studies (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
Foreign Languages
- 1611 : Journal of Translation History (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- 3L : Language, Linguistics, Literature (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Alfa: Revista de Lingüística (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Anglogermanica online (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Annals of Ovidius University Constanta. Philology (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Annual of Urdu Studies (1/1/1981 - ) DOAJ
- Asian Culture and History (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Atlantis (1/1/1979 - ) DOAJ
- Babilónia. Revista Lusófona de Línguas, Culturas e Tradução (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Barroco (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Belphegor (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Cahiers de Civilisation Espagnole Contemporaine (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- California Italian Studies (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- California Linguistic Notes (3/1/2001 - )
- Catalan Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Cervantes : Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America (1/1/1981 - ) DOAJ
- CIRCULO de linguistica aplicada a la comunicacion (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Convivium (1/1/1990 - ) DOAJ
- CORELA (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Creolica (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Crisolenguas (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Cross-cultural Communication (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Cuadernos de filologi?a inglesa (1/1/1985 - 12/31/2001) DOAJ
- Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Cuneiform Digital Library Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Delaware Review of Latin American Studies (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Divergencias : Revista de Estudios Linguisticos y Literarios (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Doctor Virtualis (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- eHumanista (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (e-FLT) (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- ELIA (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Estudios de linguistica del espanol (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Etudes episteme (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- FULGOR: Flinders University Languages Group Online Review (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- German as a foreign language (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Glossator : Practice and Theory of the Commentary (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Heritage Language Journal (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Humanising Language Teaching (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Ianua: Revista Philologica Romanica (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- IASLonline (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Indian Review of World Literature in English (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Cuban Studies (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Multicultural Societies (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- inTRAlinea : Online Translation Journal (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Issues in Applied Linguistics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- JoSTrans : the Journal of Specialised Translation (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Language Contact (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- K@ta : a Biannual Publication on the Study of Language and Literature (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- KEMANUSIAAN : The Asian Journal of Humanities (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Language Documentation and Conservation (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Language Learning and Technology (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Le Français dans le monde (3/1/2010 - )
- Letras Hispanas (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Lexicometrica (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Lianes (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- LiBRI : Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Lingua Romana : a journal of French, Italian and Romanian culture (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Linguagem e Ensino (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Linguagem em (Dis)curso (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Linguamática (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistica en la Red (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistica Occitana (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Linguistics Journal (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Margini : Giornale della Dedica e Altro (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Modern Journal of Applied Linguistics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Nordic Journal of African Studies (1/1/1992 - ) DOAJ
- Nordicum-Mediterraneum (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Nordlit. Arbeidstidsskrift i litteratur. (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Nordlyd (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Northwest Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Novitas-ROYAL (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Oslo Studies in Language (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Papers Lextra (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Philologia (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- PhiN (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Psychology of Language and Communication (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Quaderns: revista de traducció (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Review of European Studies (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Eletrônica d o Instituto de Humanidades (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Letra Magna (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Nebrija (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Revista tradumàtica: traducció i tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Revue d'Etudes Tibétaine (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Scenario (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- SKY Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Snippets (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Studi Linguistici e Filologici Online (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Studies in Literature and Language (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Taiwan Journal of Linguistics (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Tejuelo : Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Texto ! Textes et cultures (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Translation and Interpreting (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Translation journal (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Verniana : Jules Verne Studies/Etudes Jules Verne (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Wide Screen (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Working Papers in Functional Grammar (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
Gender, Race and Identity
- Advancing Women in Leadership (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- African American Research Perspectives (11/1/1994 - 12/31/2005)
- American Jewess (4/1/1895 - 8/31/1899) Making of America
- American Missionary (1/1/1878 - 10/1/1901) Making of America
- Animus: a philosophical journal for our time (12/23/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Annual report - Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (1/1/1970 - 1/1/2003)
- Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Canadian Women's Health Network (9/1/1996 - )
- Centres of Excellence for Women's Health Research Bulletin (9/1/2000 - )
- Challenges : newsletter on progress towards the Millennium Development Goals from a child rights perspective (1/1/2005 - )
- COPAS : Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- CW3: Corvey Women Writers on the Web (7/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Demographic Research (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- E Law - Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law (1/1/1993 - 12/31/2004) DOAJ
- Electronic Book Review (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education (1/1/1999 - 11/30/2006) DOAJ
- Forum: Qualitative Social Research (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Galaxy (New York, N.Y. : 1866) (5/1/1866 - 1/1/1878) Making of America
- Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Gender Forum (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Gully (2/6/2000 - 4/3/2006)
- Human reproduction (Oxford) (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Human reproduction update (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- Human Rights and Human Welfare (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- International Breastfeeding Journal (3/9/2006 - ) BMC
- International Breastfeeding Journal (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- International Family Planning Perspectives (3/1/1995 - 12/31/2008) DOAJ
- International Journal of Gender Science and Technology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Qualitative Methods (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Women's Health (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Jenda: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of International Women's Studies (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Religion and Society (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Association for History and Computing (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (1/1/2002 - ) HistoryCoopFree
- Kids count data book Current Year
- Ladies' Repository (Cincinnati, Ohio) (1/1/1841 - 12/31/1876) Making of America
- Lambda Book Report (4/1/2006 - )
- Lectio Difficilior (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Medieval Review (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Miranda (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Nevada NOW : the Gloria Windell newsletter for Women's Rights in the Silver State (6/1/2006 - )
- On Campus With Women (9/1/2002 - )
- On the issues (1/1/1999 - 12/31/1983)
- Open Family Studies Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Outskirts: Feminisms along the Edge (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- PelicanWeb Journal of Sustainable Development (1/1/2005 -)
- Progress of the world's women : UNIFEM biennial report (1/1/2008 - 12/31/2008)
- Qualitative Report (1/1/1990 - ) DOAJ
- Radical Pedagogy (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- S&F Online: The Scholar and Feminist Online (10/25/2000 - )
- Said It: feminist news culture and politics (3/1/1999 - )
- Scholar and Feminist Online (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Thirdspace : a Journal of Feminist Theory and Culture (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Transcending silence (4/1/2004 - )
- TRIVIA: Voice of Feminism (12/1/2004 - )
- Trumpeter (1/1/1983 - ) DOAJ
- Visual Culture and Gender (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- WireTap Magazine (4/1/2000 - )
- Womanist Theory and Research (1/1/1995 - 1/1/1999)
- Women in Judaism (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Women in Libraries (1/1/1970 - 12/31/2002)
- Women in Literacy and Life Assembly (9/1/2001 - 9/1/2003)
- Women's Health and Urban Life (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Acta Geographica Slovenica : Geografski Zbornik (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Meteorology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Annals of University of Oradea, Geography series (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Applied GIS (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Aracne : Revista de Recursos en Internet sobre Geografia y Ciencias Sociales (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- ARC News (9/1/2005 - )
- ARC User (1/1/1998 - )
- Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions (8/20/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin of Geosciences (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (1/1/1970 - ) American Meteorological Society
- Bulletins de l’Institut Scientifique : Section Sciences de la Terre (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- City and Time (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Climate of the Past (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Climate of the Past Discussions (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Coordinates : Online Journal of the Map and Geography Round Table of the American Library Association. Series A (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Coordinates : Online Journal of the Map and Geography Round Table of the American Library Association. Series B (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- CyberGeo: European Journal of Geography (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Earth Sciences Research Journal (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Earthwise (7/1/1997 - )
- Ecohydrology (1/1/2008 - )
- Geoadria (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Geographical Phorum (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- GeoScape (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Geoscientific Model Development (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Geoscientific Model Development Discussions (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- GeoTropico (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Industrial Geographer (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Investigaciones Geográficas (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Climate (1/1/1988 - 12/31/2007) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of Geography and Geology (5/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Maps (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Sustainable Development (3/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Water and Land Development (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Kartografija i Geoinformacije (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Living Reviews in Landscape Research (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Mountain Research and Development (1/1/2000 - ) BioOne Open Access
- NHD Reporter (9/1/2001 - )
- Online Journal of Rural Research and Policy (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Open Urban Studies Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Social Sciences (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Brasileira de Cartografia (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Investigacion Operacional (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Science of Tsunami Hazards (1/1/1984 - ) DOAJ
- Social Geography (SG) (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland) (3/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
Geological Sciences and Mining
- Acta Geologica Polonica (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Geosciences (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Alaska GeoSurvey news (6/1/1997 - 6/1/1998)
- Alaska GeoSurvey news (1999) (2/1/1999 - )
- Annals of Geophysics (1/1/1978 - ) DOAJ
- Antarctic Journal of the United States (1/1/1995 - 12/31/1999) GPO
- AUS.GEO news (1/1/2000 - )
- Biogeosciences (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Biogeosciences Discussions (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana (1/1/1904 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin (Northwest Mining Association) (3/1/1999 - )
- Bulletin of Geosciences (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletins de l’Institut Scientifique : Section Sciences de la Terre (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Cascadia : a quarterly publication of the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industry (1/1/2001 - )
- Current Research in Earth Sciences (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- DMR newsletter (1/1/2006 - )
- Earth Planets and Space (1/1/1998 - ; excluding most recent 3 years)
- Earthwise (7/1/1997 - )
- Ecohydrology (1/1/2008 - )
- Economic overview of the Nevada mining industry / Nevada Mining Association Current
- eEarth Discussions (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- EERI Newsletter (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, selected articles) (1/1/2000 - )
- Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Geochemical journal (1/1/1966 - ; excluding most recent 2 years)
- Geochemical Transactions (3/2/2000 - ) BMC
- Geochemical Transactions (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- Geodiversitas (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- GeoDrilling International (abridged) (11/1/1996 - )
- Geoecomarina (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Geofísica Internacional (3/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Geofizika (1/1/1989 - ) DOAJ
- Geologia Croatica (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Geologia USP : Série Científica (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Geologica Acta (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Geophysical Research Abstracts (1/1/2000 - )
- Geoscientific Model Development (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Geotermia (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Gold Bulletin (London, England) (1/1/1971 - )
- Goodsprings Gazette (1/1/1916 - 12/31/1919)
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- ICES journal of marine science (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Geophysics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Joannea Geologie und Paläontologie (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Meteorology (1/1/1962 - 12/31/1982) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of Applied Meteorology (1988) (1/1/1988 - 12/31/2005) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of Earth System Science (1/1/1978 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Environmental Quality (1/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 18 months) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Geography and Geology (5/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Geology and Mining Research (3/1/2009 - )
- Journal of Geosciences (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Iberian Geology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of petrology (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Physical Oceanography (1/1/1971 - 12/31/2007) American Meteorological Society
- Journal of the Geological Society of Japan (1/1/1893 - ) DOAJ
- Kentucky geology (1/1/2001 - )
- Mineralogia Polonica (1/1/2004 - 12/31/2007) DOAJ
- Minfo (4/1/1998 - 6/30/2003)
- Mining-Geological-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin (1/1/1992 - ) DOAJ
- Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- NDGS newsletter (2/1/1974 - 6/30/2005)
- Nevada Geology [selected articles only] (11/1/1998 - )
- Nevada Mineral Industry (1/1/1994 - )
- Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Ocean Science (OS) (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Ohio geology (1/1/1990 - )
- Ohio Geology Newsletter (7/1/1981 - 11/30/1989)
- Oil and Gas Business (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Oil and Gas Science and Technology (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Open Energy and Fuels Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Geology Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Hydrology Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Mineral Processing Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Mineralogy Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Petroleum Engineering Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Ore Bin (1/1/1939 - 12/31/1978)
- Oregon Geology (1/1/1979 - 12/31/2001)
- Oregon geology (2001) (6/1/2001 - 3/1/2002)
- Palaeontologia Electronica (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- PEER Report (Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center) (1/1/1998 - )
- Pennsylvania Geology (3/1/1997 - )
- Petroleum and Coal (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin - Economic (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Platinum metals review (1/1/1957 - ) DOAJ
- Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology (1/1/2006 - 12/31/2007) DOAJ
- Public information circular (11/1/1995 - )
- Reese River Reveille (1/1/1887 - 12/31/1887)
- Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas (1/1/1975 - ) DOAJ
- Rock talk (Denver, Colo.) (1/1/1998 - )
- Scripta Geologica (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- SGA News (11/1/1996 - )
- State and federal permits required in Nevada before mining or milling can begin Current
- Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Geologia (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Survey Notes (Utah Geological Survey) (1/1/1995 - )
- Trabajos de Geologia (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- White Pine News (1/1/1881 - 12/31/1906)
- Yerbilimleri : An Earth Sciences Journal (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- 19 : Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- 49th Parallel : An Interdisciplinary Journal of North America (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- A Contracorriente (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- AEON - Forum für junge Geschichtswissenschaft (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Aestimatio : Critical Reviews in the History of Science (4/8/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Africa Spectrum (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Altreitalie (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Amérique Latine Histoire et Mémoire (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- American Archivist (1/1/1990 - 12/31/2006)
- American Review : a Whig Journal of Politics, Literature, Art, and Science (1/1/1845 - 4/1/1850) Making of America
- American Whig Review (5/1/1850 - 12/31/1852) Making of America
- Americana (Hollywood): the journal of American popular culture (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Americana : E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary (10/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- AmeriQuests (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Amnis (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Anais do Museu Paulista (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Annals of Genealogical Research (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Archivaria (1/1/1975 - 12/31/2005)
- Asian Culture and History (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Aspeers : Emerging Voices in American Studies (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- British Archaeology (2/1/1995 - ; excluding most recent 1 year)
- Bulletin (German Historical Institute : Washington, D.C.) (9/1/1987 - )
- Business and Economic History On-Line (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Byzantina Symmeikta (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Cahiers de Civilisation Espagnole Contemporaine (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- California Italian Studies (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Catalan Historical Review (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- City and Time (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Codrul Cosminului (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin (1/1/1888 - 1/1/1918)
- Colloquia Maruliana (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Common Place (9/1/2000 - )
- Common Place (9/1/2000 - ) HistoryCoop
- Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis and Culture (1/1/2004 - 12/31/2004)
- COPAS : Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Cris, Journal of the Historical Society of Krizevci (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- CROMOHS: Cyber Review of Modern Historiography (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Culture - History - Globalization (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- De Bow's Review (1853-1880) (1/1/1846 - 12/31/1869) Making of America
- Democratic Review (New York, N.Y.) (1/1/1852 - 12/1/1852) Making of America
- Demography (2/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- DEP. Deportate, esuli, profughe (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Dio : The International Journal of Scientific History (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- E-Journal of Portuguese History (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Ennen ja Nyt : Historian Tietosanomat (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- eSamizdat (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- E-Spania (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- European Journal of American Studies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Explorations: a Graduate Student Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (4/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Forum for Inter-American Research (FIAR) (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Forum Historiae Iuris (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Globality Studies Journal : Global History, Society, Civilization (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Heliotropia (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Heroic Age (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Histoire @ politique (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Historia Actual On-Line (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Historia Constitucional (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Historia y Comunicación Social (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Historical Review (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- History of Intellectual Culture (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Indian Folklife (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Indiana Magazine of History (3/1/2004 - ) HistoryCoopFree
- International Journal of Asia-Pacific studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Cuban Studies (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Intangible Heritage (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Mormon Studies (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Naval History (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Irish Migration Studies in Latin America (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Japanese journal of American studies (1/1/1981 - ) DOAJ
- Jebat : Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Art Historiography (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Bhutan Studies (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Historical Biography (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of International Women's Studies (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Multi Media History (1/1/1998 - 12/1/2000)
- Journal of Pan African Studies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Southern Religion (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Association (1/1/1987 - ) HistoryCoopFree
- Journal of the Association for History and Computing (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Law and History Review (3/1/1999 - ) HistoryCoopFree
- Mamluk Studies Review (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Massachusetts historical review (1/1/1999 - 12/31/2004) HistoryCoopFree
- Medical History (1/1/1957 - ) Pubmed
- Medical History (1/1/1957 - ) DOAJ
- Medical History. Supplement (1/1/1981 - ) Pubmed
- Medieval Review (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Methodist Review (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Montana Post (11/1/2002 - 3/31/2007)
- NeoAmericanist (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Nordic Notes (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- North American Journal of Welsh Studies (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- OAH Newsletter (1/1/1995 - )
- Oral History Review (09/01/2004 - 9/30/2004) HistoryCoop
- Oregon Historical Quarterly (3/1/2003 - ) HistoryCoopFree
- Pakistaniaat : A Journal of Pakistan Studies (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Parameters (Carlisle, Pa. : Online) (1/1/1996 - ) GPO
- Provenance: Journal of Public Record Office Victoria (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Provincial China (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Punchinello (4/2/1870 - 12/24/1870) Making of America
- Putnam's Magazine of Literature, Science, Art, and National Interests (1/1/1868 - 11/1/1870) Making of America
- Putnam's Monthly (1/1/1853 - 9/1/1857) Making of America
- Quaderns d'Història de l'Enginyeria (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Quest : Issues in Contemporary Jewish History (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Recorde : Revista de História do Esporte (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Reti Medievali (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Review of European Studies (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Reviews in History (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Revista Escuela de Historia (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Sæculum - Revista de História (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Spontaneous Generations : Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Studies in the History of Ethics (6/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Tekmeria (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- THEORIA : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Translocations : Irish Migration, Race and Social Transformation Review (10/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- United States Democratic Review (2/1/1856 - 10/1/1859) Making of America
- United States Magazine and Democratic Review (10/1/1837 - 12/1/1851) Making of America
- United States Review (New York, N.Y.) (1/1/1853 - 1/1/1856) Making of America
- World History Connected : EJournal of Teaching and Learning (11/1/2003 - ) HistoryCoopFree
- World History Connected : EJournal of Teaching and Learning (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Zeithistorische Forschungen (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
Human Development and Family Studies
- Forum for Family and Consumer Issues (1/1/1996 - )
- International Family Planning Perspectives (3/1/1995 - 12/31/2008) DOAJ
- Kids count data book Current Year
- Nevada Kids Count Data Book (1/1/2000 - )
- American Communication Journal (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Computer-mediated communication magazine (5/1/1994 - )
- Digital Culture & Education (DCE) (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Ejournalist. A refereed media journal (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Federal Communications Law Journal (1/1/1993 - )
- First Monday (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Global Media Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Global Media Journal (Canadian Edition) (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Global Media Journal : African Edition (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Global Media Journal : Australian Edition (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Global Media Journal : Mediterranean Edition (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Intelligent Enterprise (San Mateo, Calif.) (10/1/1998 - 1/1/2007)
- InterActions : UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Communication (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Review of Information Ethics (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Electronic Publishing (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of e-Media Studies (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information, Law and Technology (1/1/1996 - 12/31/2009) DOAJ
- Journal of Interactive Advertising (10/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- M/C Journal (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Media History Monographs (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Mediascape : UCLA's Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Nevada Sagebrush (8/1/2007 - )
- Nevada Silver and Blue (1/1/2003 - )
- Newspapers and Technology (7/1/1997 - )
- Open Communication Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Plagiary. Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Plagiarism, Fabrication, and Falsification (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- PLATFORM : Journal of Media and Communication (7/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Public Relations Journal (10/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Research Information (3/1/2002 - )
- Sparks-Online (1/1/1999 - 12/31/2001)
- Web Journal of Mass Communication Research (12/1/1997 - )
- Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Acta Universitatis Danubius : Juridica (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Amsterdam Law Forum (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Ancilla Iuris (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braslov, Series VII : Social Sciences and Law (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal (1/1/2003 - 12/31/2005) DOAJ
- Cyberlaw Informer (3/4/1999 - 5/2/2001)
- Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Duke Law Journal (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- E Law - Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law (1/1/1993 - 12/31/2004) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Comparative Law (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Erasmus Law and Economics Review (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- European Journal of Law and Technology (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- European Journal of Legal Studies (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Federal Communications Law Journal (1/1/1993 - )
- Forum Historiae Iuris (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Göttingen Journal of International Law (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Historia Constitucional (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Human Affairs (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Intellectual Property Laws and Treaties (1/1/2002 - )
- International and Comparative Law Quarterly (4/1/1996 - )
- International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Italian Labour Law e-journal (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Academic Legal Studies (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Medical Ethics (4/1/1975 - ; excluding most recent 3 years) Pubmed
- Journal of Medical Ethics (2/1/2000 - 12/31/2005) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (3/1/2002 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Juridica International (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- JurPC (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Jury Expert (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Law and Contemporary Problems (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Law and History Review (3/1/1999 - ) HistoryCoopFree
- Law, Environment and Development Journal (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Law, social justice and global development (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Manual of patent examining procedure Current
- Nordic Environmental Law Journal (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Open Law Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Public Space: The Journal of Law and Social Justice (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Roman Legal Tradition (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Sur - International Journal on Human Rights (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Trade, Law and Development (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Unbound : Harvard Journal of the Legal Left (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Utrecht Law Review (2/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
Library/Information Science
- ALAN Review: Assembly on Literature for Adolescents (1/1/1994 - 3/1/2001)
- American Archivist (1/1/1990 - 12/31/2006)
- Archivaria (1/1/1975 - 12/31/2005)
- Ariadne (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Bonefolder, an e-journal for the bookbinder and book artist (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Book business (1/1/2006 - )
- Boston Review (6/1/1975 - )
- Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin of the Medical Library Association (1/1/1911 - 10/1/2001) Pubmed
- Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic Journal (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- CLIR Issues (1/1/1998 - )
- Code4Lib Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Collaborative Librarianship (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Communications in Information Literacy (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Computer-mediated communication magazine (5/1/1994 - )
- Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Cultivate Interactive (5/1/1999 - 2/1/2003)
- Cyberlaw Informer (3/4/1999 - 5/2/2001)
- Cybermetrics: international journal of scientometrics, informetrics, and bibliometrics (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Digital Culture & Education (DCE) (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- D-Lib Magazine (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- e-conservation Magazine (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Education Review (Tempe, Ariz.) (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Educause Quarterly (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Educause Review (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- E-JASL: Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Exploit Interactive (5/1/1999 - 10/31/2000)
- First Monday (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Information Research (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Information Technology and Disabilities (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Information Technology and Libraries (3/1/2001 - 3/1/2007)
- Innovate Journal of Online Education (1/1/2004 - 9/30/2009) DOAJ
- Innovation Journalism (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Innovations in teaching and learning in information and computer sciences : ITALICS (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Intellectual Property Laws and Treaties (1/1/2002 - )
- Intelligent Enterprise (San Mateo, Calif.) (10/1/1998 - 1/1/2007)
- InterActions : UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Digital Curation (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Public Information Systems (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- International Review of Information Ethics (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Internet Writing Journal (8/1/1997 - )
- Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Case Studies in Accreditation and Assessment (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Digital Information (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Electronic Publishing (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of eLiteracy (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information Architecture (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information Literacy (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Information, Law and Technology (1/1/1996 - 12/31/2009) DOAJ
- Journal of Interactive Media in Education (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Library Innovation (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Library Services for Distance Education (8/1/1997 - 7/1/1999)
- Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Southern Academic and Special Librarianship (1/1/1999 - 12/31/2001) DOAJ
- Journal of Technology Education (1/1/1989 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Technology Studies (6/1/1996 - )
- Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (1/1/1994 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Pubmed
- Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association (3/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Medical Library Association (1/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Journal of the Rutgers University Libraries (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Law and Politics Book Review (11/1/1999 - )
- Learned Publishing (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year)
- Library and Information Research : Research into Practice for Information and Library Services (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Library Philosophy and Practice (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Library Student Journal (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Looking Glass : New Perspectives on Children's Literature (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- MC Journal: Journal of Academic Media Librarianship (3/1/1993 - 1/1/2002)
- Medical Libraries (2/1/1898 - 12/31/1902) Pubmed
- Network Computing (1/1/1995 - )
- OLAC Newsletter (1/1/1981 - )
- Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration (4/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Papers : Explorations into Children's Literature (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Partnership : the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Plagiary. Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Plagiarism, Fabrication, and Falsification (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Prism (1/1/1999 - )
- Provenance: Journal of Public Record Office Victoria (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Public Access Computer Systems Review (1/1/1990 - 1/1/1998)
- Public History Review (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Public-access computer systems review (1/1/1990 - 1/1/1998)
- Research Information (3/1/2002 - )
- Research Management Review (3/1/1987 - )
- Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- RLG DigiNews (4/15/1997 - 4/30/2007)
- Rocky Mountain Communication Review (6/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Science in School (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Scout Report (9/4/1994 - )
- (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Serials E-News (4/8/2005 - )
- Simbiosis. Revista electrónica de ciencias de la información (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Studies in Bibliography (1/1/1948 - 12/31/2002)
- T.H.E. Journal (1/1/1994 - )
- Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Technology Electronic Reviews, TER (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Telecommunications Electronic Review (1/1/1994 - 6/1/2007)
- Theological Librarianship (6/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Umbrella (1/1/1978 - 12/31/2008)
- Urban Library Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Virginia Libraries (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Women in Libraries (1/1/1970 - 12/31/2002)
- A iauliai Mathematical Seminar (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae (1/1/1991 - ) DOAJ
- Advances in Difference Equations (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- ALEA : Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Applied Mathematical Sciences (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Applied Mathematics E - Notes (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Applied Sciences (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Archivum Mathematicum (1/1/1992 - ) DOAJ
- Asian Journal of Algebra (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Behaviormetrika (1/1/1974 - ) DOAJ
- Boletin Asociacio Matematica Vanezolana - English (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Boundary Value Problems (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin (new series) of the American Mathematical Society (1/1/1992 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin of TICMI (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin, Classes des Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles, Sciences (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Californian Journal of Health Promotion (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Communications in Mathematical Analysis (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Contributions to Discrete Mathematics (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- DataCritica (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Differential equations and control processes (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Differential Geometry - Dynamical systems (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Divulgaciones Matematicas (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Documenta Mathematica (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations (DPDE) (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Communications in Probability (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal for History of Probability and Statistics (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements (EJBE) (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Probability (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Statistics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences (9/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society (1/1/1995 - 6/30/2007) DOAJ
- Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society (1/1/1995 - 6/30/2007) AMS
- Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Filomat (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Fixed Point Theory and Applications (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Forum Geometricorum: A Journal on Classical Euclidean Geometry (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Fundamenta Mathematicae (1/1/1920 - 12/31/2000)
- Geometry and Topology Monographs (1/1/1998 - )
- Hiroshima Mathematical Journal (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Homology, Homotopy, and Applications (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Illinois Journal of Mathematics (1/1/2001 - 12/31/2007)
- Image Analysis and Stereology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Algebra (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Mathematical Analysis (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- International Mathematical Forum (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- InterStat (6/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Computer Science and Mathematics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Mathematics (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis (1/1/1987 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Data Science (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Inequalities and Applications (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Integer Sequences (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Official Statistics (1/1/1985 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications (1/1/2001 - 12/31/2007)
- Journal of Physical Mathematics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Probability and Statistics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Statistical Software (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of STEM education (1/1/2000 - )
- Journal of STEM Education : Innovations and Research (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of the Japan Statistical Society (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Kyungpook Mathematical Journal (9/24/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Kyushu Journal of Mathematics (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Loci (Washington, D.C.) (1/1/2008 - )
- Matemática contemporânea (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Matemáticas : Enseñanza Universitaria (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Matematiche (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Matematicki Vesnik (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Mathématiques et sciences humaines (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences (2/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Mathematical Communications (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Mathematical Journal of Okayama University (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Mathematical Problems in Engineering (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Mathematics Educator (1/1/1990 - ) DOAJ
- Miskolc Mathematical Notes (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences (1/1/1988 - ) DOAJ
- Montana Mathematics Enthusiast (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Morfismos (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Nagoya Mathematical Journal (1/1/1950 - 12/31/2009) DOAJ
- New York Journal of Mathematics (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- New Zealand Journal of Mathematics (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Note di Matematica (1/1/1981 - ) DOAJ
- Notices of the American Mathematical Society (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Open Applied Mathematics Journal (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Open Mathematics Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Open Statistics and Probability Journal (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Osaka Journal of Mathematics (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Palliative Care : Research and Treatment (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal (1/1/1990 - ) DOAJ
- PNA: Revista de investigación en Didáctica de la Matemática (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Probability Surveys (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (1/15/1915 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (1/1/1915 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Publications de l'Institut Mathématique (Beograd) (1/1/1980 - ) DOAJ
- R News (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- RevStat : Statistical Journal (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Rostocker Mathematisches Kolloquium (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Solstice : An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics (1/1/1990 - ) DOAJ
- SORT (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- SRX Mathematics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Studia Mathematica (1/1/1929 - 12/31/2000)
- Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai : Series Informatica (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Surveys in Approximation Theory (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Tamkang Journal of Mathematics (1/1/2000 - )
- Technometrics (2/1/2001 - ) ASA
- Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Theory and Applications of Categories (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Turkish Journal of Mathematics (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Uniform Distribution Theory (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
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- BMJ: British Medical Journal (7/2/1988 - 7/18/2008) Pubmed
- Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Brain (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Brain Impairment (1/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 1 year)
- Brain. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Brazilian Dental Journal (1/1/1990 - ) DOAJ
- Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Breast Cancer : Basic and Clinical Research (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Breast Cancer : Basic and Clinical Research (1/1/2010 - ) Pubmed
- Breast Cancer Research (10/27/1999 - ) BMC
- Breast Cancer Research (10/27/1999 - ) Pubmed
- Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention (6/1/2001 - 11/30/2008)
- Briefings in bioinformatics (1/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics (1/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- British Columbia Medical Journal (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- British Heart Journal (1/1/1939 - 12/31/1995) Pubmed
- British Heart Journal (1/1/1939 - 12/31/1995) Highwire Press Free
- British Journal of Anaesthesia (1/1/1995 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- British Journal of Cancer (3/1/1947 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- British Journal of Cancer. Supplement (8/1/1973 - 9/30/1996) Pubmed
- British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2/1/1974 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease (8/1/2001 - ) Highwire Press Free
- British Journal of Experimental Biology (10/1/1923 - 9/30/1929) Highwire Press Free
- British Journal of General Practice (1/1/1990 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- British Journal of Industrial Medicine (1/1/1944 - 12/31/1993) Pubmed
- British Journal of Industrial Medicine (1/1/1944 - 12/31/1993) Highwire Press Free
- British Journal of Medical Practitioners (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- British Journal of Ophthalmology (1/1/1917 - ; excluding most recent 3 years) Pubmed
- British Journal of Ophthalmology (1/1/1917 - 12/31/2005) Highwire Press Free
- British journal of orthodontics (2/1/1997 - 12/31/1999) Highwire Press Free
- British Journal of Pharmacology (9/1/1968 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy (3/1/1946 - 7/31/1968) Pubmed
- British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine (1/1/1953 - 12/31/1977) Pubmed
- British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine (1/1/1953 - 12/31/1977) Highwire Press Free
- British journal of psychiatry (1/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- British journal of psychiatry. Supplement (1/1/2000 - 12/31/2007) Highwire Press Free
- British journal of radiology (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Highwire Press Free
- British journal of rheumatology (10/1/1996 - 12/31/1998) Highwire Press Free
- British Journal of Social Medicine (1/1/1947 - 10/31/1952) Pubmed
- British Journal of Social Medicine (1/1/1947 - 10/31/1952) Highwire Press Free
- British Journal of Sports Medicine (7/1/1970 - ; excluding most recent 3 years) Pubmed
- British Journal of Sports Medicine (3/1/1998 - 12/31/2005) Highwire Press Free
- British Journal of Venereal Diseases (1/1/1925 - 12/31/1984) Pubmed
- British Journal of Venereal Diseases (1/1/1925 - 12/31/1984) Highwire Press Free
- British medical bulletin (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- British Medical Journal (12/31/1857 - 12/31/1980) Pubmed
- British Medical Journal (Clinical Research ed.) (1/1/1981 - 6/25/1988) Pubmed
- British Medical Journal (Clinical Research ed.) (1/1/1982 - 6/25/1988) Highwire Press Free
- Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine (3/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin - British Association of Sport and Medicine (1/1/1964 - 12/31/1968) Pubmed
- Bulletin of the Association of Medical Librarians (1/1/1902 - 7/1/1902) Pubmed
- Bulletin of the Medical Library Association (1/1/1911 - 10/1/2001) Pubmed
- Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine (3/1/1925 - 12/31/1997) Pubmed
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization (1/1/1947 - ) DOAJ
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization (1/1/1948 - ) Pubmed
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Supplement (1/1/1948 - 12/31/1953) Pubmed
- Bulletins of the Public Health (1/1/1878 - 12/31/1878) Pubmed
- CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians (1/1/1990 - ) DOAJ
- CA: a cancer journal for clinicians (11/1/1950 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Calicut Medical Journal (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- California and Western Medicine (1/1/1924 - 6/1/1946) Pubmed
- California Journal of Emergency Medicine (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- California Medicine (1/1/1946 - 12/1/1973) Pubmed
- California State Journal of Medicine (1/1/1902 - 2/1/1924) Pubmed
- Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review (1/1/2003 - 11/1/2005) Pubmed
- Canadian Family Physician (7/1/1967 - ) Pubmed
- Canadian Family Physician (1/1/2000 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Canadian Journal of Cardiology (1/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine (1/1/1968 - 10/1/1985) Pubmed
- Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine (1/1/1937 - 12/1/1939) Pubmed
- Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science (1/1/1940 - 1/1/1968) Pubmed
- Canadian Journal of Diabetes (9/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology (1/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases (1/1/2000 - 4/30/2004) Pubmed
- Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology (5/1/2004 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery (4/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Canadian Journal of Surgery (2/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research (1/1/1986 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Pubmed
- Canadian Medical Association Journal: CMAJ (1/1/1911 - 12/15/1985) Pubmed
- Canadian Respiratory Journal (1/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Canadian Urological Association Journal (3/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Canadian Veterinary Journal (1/1/1960 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Pubmed
- Cancer Cell International (11/1/2001 - ) BMC
- Cancer Cell International (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention (11/1/1991 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Cancer Imaging (1/1/2004 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Pubmed
- Cancer Immunity (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Cancer Informatics (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Cancer Informatics (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Cancer Management and Research (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Cancer Microenvironment (12/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Cancer research (Baltimore) (1/1/1941 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Cancer Research and Treatment (2/1/2004 - ) Pubmed
- Cancer Therapy (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Cancerología : Revista del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Cancers (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Carcinogenesis (New York) (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Cardiology Research and Practice (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Cardiology Research and Practice (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Cardiovascular Diabetology (4/1/2002 - ) BMC
- Cardiovascular Diabetology (1/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Cardiovascular Diseases (1/1/1974 - 12/1/1981) Pubmed
- Cardiovascular Psychiatry and Neurology (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Cardiovascular Psychiatry and Neurology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Cardiovascular research (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Cardiovascular Ultrasound (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Cardiovascular Ultrasound (2/01/2003 - ) BMC
- Case Reports in Dermatology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Case Reports in Gastroenterology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Case Reports in Medicine (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Case Reports in Medicine (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Case Reports in Neurology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Case Reports in Oncology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Cases Journal (5/1/2008 - ) BMC
- CBE Life Sciences Education (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- CBE Life Sciences Education (4/1/2006 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Cell Adhesion and Migration (1/1/2007 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Cell and Chromosome (1/1/2002 - 12/31/2008) Pubmed
- Cell and Chromosome (1/1/2002 - 12/31/2008) BMC
- Cell Biology Education (1/1/2002 - 12/31/2005) Pubmed
- Cell Biology Education (3/1/2002 - 12/31/2005) Highwire Press Free
- Cell Communication and Signaling (8/1/2003 - ) BMC
- Cell Communication and Signaling (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Cell Death and Disease (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Cell Division (4/1/2006 - ) BMC
- Cell growth and differentiation (1/1/1990 - 9/30/2002) Highwire Press Free
- Cell Health and Cytoskeleton (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Cell Regulation (1/1/1989 - 12/1/1991) Pubmed
- Cell Stress and Chaperones (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Cell Structure and Function (1/1/1975 - ) DOAJ
- Cellular Therapy and Transplantation (6/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Centres of Excellence for Women's Health Research Bulletin (9/1/2000 - )
- Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. 1991) (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Research (1/1/2004 - ) Pubmed
- Cerebrospinal fluid research (12/1/2004 - ) BMC
- Chem-Bio Informatics Journal (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Chest (1/1/1970 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (6/1/2007 - ) BMC
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Chinese Medical Journal (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Chinese Medicine (11/1/2006 - ) BMC
- Chinese Medicine (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Chiropractic and Osteopathy (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Chiropractic and osteopathy (4/1/2005 - ) BMC
- Chronic Diseases in Canada (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Circulation (1/1/1950 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Circulation Control (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Circulation Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Circulation Research (1/1/1953 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Circulation. Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. (4/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Circulation. Cardiovascular Genetics (10/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Circulation. Cardiovascular Imaging (7/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Circulation. Cardiovascular Interventions (8/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Circulation. Heart Failure. (5/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes (9/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine (5/1/2001 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical and Developmental Immunology (3/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology (1/1/1994 - 12/31/2005) Highwire Press Free
- Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology (1/1/1994 - 12/31/2005) Pubmed
- Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical and Experimental Immunology (1/1/1966 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology (3/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical and Molecular Allergy : CMA (1/6/2003 - ) BMC
- Clinical and Molecular Allergy : CMA (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical and vaccine immunology (1/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Clinical Biochemist Reviews (2/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical cancer research (1/1/1995 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical Chemistry (2/1/1955 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Clinical Dermatology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical diabetes (1/1/2001 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Clinical Epidemiology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Geriatrics (9/30/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Interventions in Aging (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Interventions in Aging (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology (1/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Clinical Medicine : Blood Disorders (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Medicine : Case Reports (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Medicine : Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Medicine : Endocrinology and Diabetes (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Medicine : Geriatrics (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Medicine : Pathology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Medicine : Reproductive Health (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Medicine : Therapeutics (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical medicine and research (1/1/2003 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Clinical Medicine and Research (1/1/2003 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical Medicine Insights : Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Medicine Insights : Blood Disorders (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Medicine Insights : Cardiology (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Cardiology (1/1/2010 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Oncology (1/1/2010 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical Medicine. Cardiology (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical Medicine. Cardiology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Medicine. Oncology (1/1/2009 - 12/31/2009) Pubmed
- Clinical microbiology reviews (1/1/1988 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Clinical Microbiology Reviews (1/1/1988 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Clinical Molecular Pathology : JCP (1/1/1995 - 12/1/1996) Pubmed
- Clinical molecular pathology : JCP (2/1/1995 - 12/31/1996) Highwire Press Free
- Clinical Ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.) (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical Ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.) (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health (4/27/2005 - ) BMC
- Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Clinical Science (5/1/1998 - 12/31/2009)
- Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Clinics (Sao Paulo, Brazil) (2/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery (2/1/2004 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery (3/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- CMAJ. Canadian Medical Association journal (1/1/1986 - ) Pubmed
- CMAJ. Canadian Medical Association journal (1/1/1997 - ) Highwire Press Free
- CME (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- CNS Drug Reviews (3/1/1997 - 12/31/2007)
- Cognitive Neurodynamics (3/1/2007 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience (3/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology (7/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Communicable Diseases Intelligence (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Communicative and Integrative Biology (7/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Community Eye Health (1/1/1998 - ) Pubmed
- Comparative and Functional Genomics (2/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- Comparative and Functional Genomics (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Comparative Hepatology (8/1/2002 - ) BMC
- Comparative Hepatology (1/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Comparative Medicine (2/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Conflict and Health (1/1/2007 - ) BMC
- Conflict and Health (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Congenital Cardiology Today (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Cough (London, England) (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Cough (London, England) (8/1/2005 - ) BMC
- Critical Care (3/1/1997 - ) BMC
- Critical Care (1/1/1997 - ) Pubmed
- Critical care nurse (2/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Critical Care Research and Practice (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine (1/1/1990 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Croatian Medical Journal (2/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Croatian Medical Journal (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Current Bibliographies in Medicine (1/1/1992 - 12/31/2004)
- Current Cardiology Reviews (2/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine (1/1/2000 - 12/31/2005) Pubmed
- Current Genomics (11/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research (1/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Current Issues in Molecular Biology (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Current Research in Bacteriology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Current Science (Bangalore) (1/1/1932 - ) DOAJ
- Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Cyberpsychology : Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberpspace (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- CytoJournal (1/1/2004 - ) Pubmed
- Cytotechnology (1/1/2007 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Czech Journal of Food Sciences (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Danish Medical Bulletin (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- DARU (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Dental Research Journal (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Dermato-endocrinology (1/1/2009 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Dermatology Online Journal (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
- Dermatology Reports (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Dermatology Research and Practice (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Dermatology Research and Practice (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Deutsches Ärzteblatt (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Development (Cambridge) (1/1/1987 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Developmental Immunology (3/1/1990 - 12/31/2002) Pubmed
- Diabetes (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Diabetes (New York, N.Y.) (3/1/1998 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Highwire Press Free
- Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research (5/1/2004 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Diabetes Care (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Diabetes Care (3/1/1998 - ; excluding most recent 3 months) Highwire Press Free
- Diabetes spectrum (1/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Diabetologia Croatica (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome (8/1/2009 - ) BMC
- Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy (1/1/1994 - ) Pubmed
- Diagnostic Pathology (3/1/2006 - ) BMC
- Diagnostic Pathology (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Dicle Medical Journal (3/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Digital Journal of Ophthalmology (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- Disease Models and Mechanisms (7/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Diseases of the chest (3/1/1935 - 12/31/1969) Highwire Press Free
- DNA Research (1/1/1994 - ) OUP
- DNA Research (8/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- DOC news (7/1/2004 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Doping Journal (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Drug Design, Development and Therapy (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Drug design, Development and Therapy (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Drug Invention Today (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Drug metabolism and disposition (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Drug Target Insights (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Dynamic Medicine (10/1/2002 - 12/31/2009) BMC
- Dynamic Medicine : DM (1/1/2002 - 12/31/2009) Pubmed
- East African Journal of Public Health (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- East and Central African Journal of Surgery (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Egyptian Journal of Biology (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- eHealth International (1/1/2002 - 12/31/2002) Pubmed
- E-Journal of Applied Psychology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Electroneurobiología (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Biomedicine (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Health Informatics (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- EMBO Journal (1/1/1982 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- EMBO Reports (1/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Emergency Medicine Journal (1/1/2000 - 12/31/2005) Highwire Press Free
- Emergency Medicine Journal (1/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 3 years) Pubmed
- Emerging Health Threats Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Emerging Infectious Diseases (1/1/1995 - ) GPO
- Emerging Infectious Diseases (1/1/1995 - ) Pubmed
- Emerging Themes in Epidemiology (10/6/2004 - ) BMC
- Emerging Themes in Epidemiology (1/1/2004 - ) Pubmed
- Endocrine Journal (1/1/1993 - ) DOAJ
- Endocrine reviews (2/1/1992 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Endocrine-related cancer (3/1/1998 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Endocrinology (Philadelphia) (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Endocytobiosis and Cell Research (1/1/1984 - ) DOAJ
- Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Environmental Health Insights (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Environmental Health Insights (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Environmental Health Perspectives (1/1/1972 - ) Pubmed
- Environmental Health Perspectives (1/1/1972 - ) GPO
- Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements (1/1/1994 - 1/1/2002)
- Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source (7/1/2002 - ) BMC
- Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source (1/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Enzyme Research (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Epidemiologic perspectives and innovations (9/3/2004 - ) BMC
- Epidemiologic Perspectives and Innovations (1/1/2004 - ) Pubmed
- Epidemiologic reviews (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Epidemiological Bulletin (2/1/1980 - 9/30/2004)
- Epidemiology and Community Health (3/1/1979 - 3/1/1979) Pubmed
- Epidemiology and Infection (2/1/1987 - 12/31/1996) Pubmed
- Epigenetics and Chromatin (1/1/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Epigenetics and Chromatin (10/1/2008 - ) BMC
- Epilepsy Currents (1/1/2001 - ) Pubmed
- ePlasty: Open Access Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (1/1/2008 - ; excluding most recent 1 month) Pubmed
- ePlasty: Open Access Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Erciyes Medical Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Ergonomics Open Journal (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Ethiopian Journal of Health Development (1/1/1984 - ) DOAJ
- Eukaryotic cell (2/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
- Eukaryotic Cell (1/1/2002 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Pubmed
- EurAsian Journal of Biosciences (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (1/1/2006 - ) Pubmed
- Europace (London, England) (1/1/1999 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- European Cells and Materials (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- European heart journal (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- European heart journal supplements (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (7/1/1987 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- European Journal of Dentistry (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- European journal of echocardiography (3/1/2000 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- European Journal of Education and Psychology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- European journal of endocrinology (7/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- European Journal of General Medicine (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- European Journal of Heart Failure (3/1/1999 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- European journal of orthodontics (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- European journal of public health (1/1/1996 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- European respiratory journal (1/1/1994 - ; excluding most recent 18 months) Highwire Press Free
- European respiratory review (9/1/2005 - ) Highwire Press Free
- European Spine Journal (1/1/2006 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Europe's Journal of Psychology (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM) (6/1/2004 - ) Pubmed
- Evidence-based medicine (English ed.) (1/1/2000 - 12/31/2005) Highwire Press Free
- Evolutionary Bioinformatics (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Evolutionary Bioinformatics (1/1/2005 - ) Pubmed
- Experimental and Clinical Cardiology (4/1/2002 - ) Pubmed
- Experimental and Molecular Medicine (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Experimental and Molecular Medicine (2/29/2008 - ) Pubmed
- Experimental and Translational Stroke Medicine (10/1/2009 - ) BMC
- Experimental and Translational Stroke Medicine (1/1/2009 - ) Pubmed
- Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.) (10/1/1999 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Experimental Diabesity Research (1/1/2003 - 12/31/2004) Pubmed
- Experimental Diabetes Research (1/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
- Experimental physiology (1/1/1990 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Facta Universitatis : Series Physical Education and Sport (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Family Medicine (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Antibiotics (1/1/2005 - 12/31/2005)
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- Journal of Applied Genetics (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Research in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Biological Chemistry (10/1/1905 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
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- Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition (3/1/2007 - ) Pubmed
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- Journal of Cytology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Dental Biomechanics (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of dental education (4/1/2001 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology (1/1/2007 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
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- Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research (5/1/2008 - ) BMC
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- Journal of General Internal Medicine : JGIM (1/1/1997 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Pubmed
- Journal of General Microbiology (1/1/1947 - 12/31/1993) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of general physiology (9/20/1918 - ; excluding most recent 6 months) Highwire Press Free
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- Journal of Inflammation (9/1/2004 - ) BMC
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- Journal of Innovative Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Medicine (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Chicago, Ill.) (1/1/1964 - 12/31/1967) Highwire Press Free
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- Journal of Nutrition (9/1/1928 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
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- Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Oral Microbiology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Oral Science (3/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Osteoporosis (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Pain Research (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Paramedical Sciences (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1/1/1998 - 8/31/2007) DOAJ
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- Journal of Phlebology and Lymphology (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Physical Therapy Science (1/1/1995 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Radiology Case Reports (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (3/1/2000 - ) Highwire Press Free
- Journal of Reproduction and Development (1/1/1992 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Research in Health Sciences (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Research in Medical Sciences (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Rural and Tropical Public Health (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Smooth Muscle Research (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Social, Evolutionary and Cultural Psychology (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Speech and Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry (1/1/2005 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Tehran Heart Center (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine (1/1/2006 - ) Highwire Press Free
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- Journal of the American College of Cardiology (1/1/1998 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
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- Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (7/1/1990 - ; excluding most recent 1 year) Highwire Press Free
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Philosophy and Religion
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- Foucault Studies (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
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Political Science
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- Libertarian Papers (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
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- Research Journal of International Studies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Resistance Studies Magazine (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
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- Review of European Studies (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
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Public Health
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- Journal of Anatomy (1/1/1916 - ; excluding most recent 2 years) Pubmed
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- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (3/1/1979 - ; excluding most recent 3 years) Pubmed
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- Journal of Human Ecology (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Preventive Medicine (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
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- Perspectives in Health Information Management (1/1/2004 - ) Pubmed
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- Studies on Ethno-Medicine (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
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- Tobacco Control (3/1/1992 - 12/31/2005) Highwire Press Free
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- Journal of STEM Education : Innovations and Research (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
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Social Work
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- Canadian Studies in Population (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
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- Forum: Qualitative Social Research (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
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- Intersticios : Revista sociológica de pensamiento crítico (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of E-working (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
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- Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Intercultural Communication (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of International Social Research (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Medical Ethics and Medical History (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Pan African Studies (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
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- Southern Spaces (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Statistics Education Research Journal (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Studies in Social Justice (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Studies in Sociology of Science (1/1/2010 - ) DOAJ
- Studies of Tribes and Tribals (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- Studies on Asia (East Lansing, Mich.) (1/1/2004 - ) DOAJ
- Studies on Home and Community Science (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Surveillance and Society (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Survey Research Methods (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Tabula rasa (Bogotá, Colombia) (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
- TEME (1/1/1997 - ) DOAJ
- TEXTOS de la CiberSociedad (1/1/2001 - ) DOAJ
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- Transformations : region, culture, society (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
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- Urban Habitats (1/1/2003 - ) DOAJ
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- Womanist Theory and Research (1/1/1995 - 1/1/1999)
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Theatre & Dance
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- Applied Semiotics (1/1/1996 - ) DOAJ
- Applied Theatre Researcher/IDEA journal (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (2/1/1882 - 10/1/1899) Making of America
- Century Magazine Scribner's Monthly (11/1/1881 - 1/1/1882) Making of America
- Consciousness, Literature and the Arts (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Dancecult : Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture (1/1/2009 - ) DOAJ
- Didaskalia: Ancient Theater Today (1/1/1994 - ) DOAJ
- Etudes episteme (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- International Journal of Education and the Arts (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Learning Through the Arts (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Journal of Religion and Theatre (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Leeds International Classical Studies (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- Linguae. Rivista di linguae e culture moderne (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ
- M/C Journal (1/1/1998 - ) DOAJ
- Music and Arts in Action (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Nevada Arts News (1/1/2000 - )
- Oral Tradition (1/1/1999 - ) DOAJ
- Platform : Postgraduate e-Journal of Theatre and Performing Arts (1/1/2006 - ) DOAJ
- Scenario (1/1/2007 - ) DOAJ
- Symbolon (1/1/2000 - ) DOAJ
- Tejuelo : Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura (1/1/2008 - ) DOAJ
- Toronto Slavic Quarterly (1/1/2002 - ) DOAJ