SpringerOpen - 200+ peer-reviewed fully open access journals
SpringerOpen, launched in June 2010, includes Springer’s portfolio of 200+ peer-reviewed fully open access journals across all areas of science.
Journals By Subject | Journals A - Z
PPU Library
SpringerOpen, launched in June 2010, includes Springer’s portfolio of 200+ peer-reviewed fully open access journals across all areas of science.
Journals By Subject | Journals A - Z
Aggregating the world’s open access research papers
Access to millions of open access research papers, enrich the collected data for text-mining and provide unique services to the research community.
CORE is a multi-disciplinary global aggregator currently harvesting 66 million metadata records and offering five million open access full-text articles. And it is still growing.
تستطيع البحث في 51 الف عنوان رسالة بالاضافة الى الاطلاع على ملخصات الرسائل - حيث يسمح لك موقع الجامعة الاردنية بتحميل اول 18 صفحة من الرسالة
299 Academic Open Access peer-reviewed journals
72 institutions
173779 articles
The Internet Archive and Open Library offers over 10,000,000 fully accessible books and texts.
All the tools you need to learn online: Course discovery • Email reminders • Social Learning • Coursework storage • LinkedIn & résumé export
Accredible course finder helps you find online courses that match your interests, organize your course work, meet course-mates and embed your credentials on your LinkedIn profile & paper résumé
ساي هب (بالإنجليزية: Sci-Hub) هو موقع الكتروني يوفر أكثر من 58,000,000 ورقة ومقالة أكاديمية علمية محكمة لاشهر قواعد البيانات الالكترونية (Sciencedirect, Springer,Wiley, Emerald..etc) ، متاحة عبر موقع الويب بشكل مجاني. تضاف الأوراق البحثية الجديدة يوميًّا.
The first website in the world to provide mass and public access to tens of millions of research papers, the site aims to remove any barrier which impeding the widest possible distribution of knowledge in human society. The website provides more than 58,000,000 articles.