Management & business
Gale & Cengage Databases (Free Trial until 4th March).
تشترك المكتبة لفترة تجريبة في عدد من قواعد البيانات الالكترونية التي تصدرها كل من شركة Gale و Cengage للفترة من الأول من شباط وحتى الرابع من آذار 2016 وهي على النحو التالي:
الاشتراك لفترة تجريبة في عدد من قواعد البيانات الالكترونية التي تصدرها كل من شركة Gale و Cengage حتى الرابع من آذار 2016.
تشترك المكتبة لفترة تجريبة في عدد من قواعد البيانات الالكترونية التي تصدرها كل من شركة Gale و Cengage للفترة من الأول من شباط وحتى الرابع من آذار 2016 وهي على النحو التالي:
Research Monitor is a business reference database offering an affordable introduction to high quality research on industries, countries and consumers worldwide. With unlimited access to more than 5,000 industry and country reports across 80 countries and daily breaking news articles on factors influencing the business landscape, it is an ideal resource for business research.
Egyptian Universities Libraries - Free Arabic Theses and Disertations
Egyptian Universities Libraries
For more free electronic resources, you can visit the Facebook page at
Khan Academy
Khan Academy
A free world-class education for anyone anywhere
Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. We're a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere.
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD)
OnlineCourses, you’ll find more than 500 accredited free online college classes, which provide you the opportunity to make use of research-based academic resources from some of the world’s best universities. You can use these resources to advance your understanding of a wide range of academic topics.
Terminology Forum
ABOUT Terminology Forum
is a global non-profit information forum for for freely available terminological information online. The Forum was established in 1994 and is maintained by Anita Nuopponen with the help of her students at the Dept. of Communication Studies, University of Vaasa, Finland.
Encyclopedia of the Orient
About Encyclopedia of the Orient
LookLex is a Norway based media house presenting North Africa and the Middle East to a mainly western audience. This we do through 3 main channels; reference material organized into an encyclopaedia, traveller's guides to the North African countries and a basic language course in Arabic.
The owner and editor of LookLex is Tore Kjeilen.