Library and Information Science
North Carolina State University Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
Mission Statement
Vireo Thesis & Dissertation Submission System
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Project at WVU
Welcome to the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) program at West Virginia University. We’ve been promoting graduate student success at WVU through ETDs since 1998. Through our digital library collections in the wvuScholar institutional repository we are transforming scholarly communications at WVU.
Virginia Tech's Electronic Theses and Dissertations
مكتبة الوراق للكتب الادبية والتاريخية
مكتبة My book
محرك بحث lycos
Lycos is a survivor. Established in 1995, we were originally a search engine — before most people even knew what a "search engine" was.
Librarian's Index to the Internet
ipl2 is a public service organization and a learning/teaching environment. To date, thousands of students and volunteer library and information science professionals have been involved in answering reference questions for our Ask an ipl2 Librarian service and in designing, building, creating and maintaining the ipl2's collections. It is through the efforts of these students and volunteers that the ipl2 continues to thrive to this day.