Online Book Review Copies
Thank you for your interest in our new service. If you are an editor, book reviewer or journalist, or part of the editorial team for a magazine or journal, then you are in the right place.
Right now you can access more than 12,000 English-language Springer books for review purposes. After a simple registration process you will get instant access to an online review copy of your choosing. You will then have online access to the book for six months.
Advantages at a glance
- Fast and comfortable access to our English eBooks
- No waiting for delivery of book review copies
- No limit to review copies available
- No price limit for review copies
- All English books from 2006 onwards are available for review
- Encyclopedias, handbooks and major reference works can be viewed online
Of course, you can also get something in return for your published book review. Send us your review via your profile page, and we will reply within a few days. If your review meets our criteria, you will receive a hard copy of each book you have reviewed as thanks. This only applies as long as the book is not more than two years old at the time of your first online access to it.If your readers are interested in older titles, you can also review books that were published more than two years ago. Unfortunately, we cannot send you a hardcopy of older books. Detailed information about our service:
How do I find online review copies which interest me?
If you already know the title that interests you, you can find your book quickly by doing a general search (for ISBN number, author, title) on the product pages of Alternatively, you can look at the subject collection pages for our newest titles. Once you have chosen your title, click on Free Online Book Review Copy which you’ll find on the right hand side. The book is then either immediately accessible online, or will shortly become available as a review copy.If a title has not yet become available, you can reserve it at any time.
How do I get access to an online review copy?
Click on Free Online Book Review Copy to register in a few easy steps. Whether you are already registered with us or not, the following information will be useful:
Registered Customer?
If you already have an account with (for example, if you are receiving alerts or are a Springer author), then your e-mail address will be displayed and you can simply type in your password. Your registration data, such as your name and address, will appear. To access online books for review you will be asked for the following additional information:
- The journal or medium you will be writing for
- Your job title/function within that journal/medium
After that, you will see your data again in overview and will need to confirm that you are accessing an online review copy for the sole purpose of writing a book review. You are only required to do this once when you register. As soon as you have clicked on Access Copy you will have access to your online book.If you do not have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer, then please wait until you receive an e-mail confirming your access data to the eBook. It will include a link to download the software for free.
Not yet registered?
If you do not have an account at you will have to register as a new customer. All you have to do is give us your name, your email address and a password. You will then be asked for an address and, in order to access online books for review, you should provide the following additional information:
- The journal or medium you will be writing for
- Your job title/function within that journal/medium
After that, you will see your data again in overview and will need to confirm that you are accessing an online review copy to the sole purpose of writing a book review. You are only required to do this once when you register. As soon as you have clicked on Access Copy you will have access to your online book.If you do not have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer, then please wait until you receive an email confirming your access data to the eBook. It will include a link to download the software for free.
My Springer Book Reviewer Pages
Every time you log in you can see your current reviewing activities on your Book Reviewer pages, where you will find the following categories:
- Review copies currently accessed
- Review copies in waiting list
- Book review clippings submitted
Review copies currently accessed
Here you will find a list of the books you currently have online access to. You can read your review copy at any time by clicking on Access Copy. Please note that you only have access to 10 online review copies at a time.You will also find information about how long you have access to your review copies, and you can send us your book review by clicking on Upload.
Review copies in waiting list
This is a list of the books that will be available online in the near future and which you have already reserved for yourself.You can remove books from this list at any time by using Delete Item. As soon as your reserved book becomes available for online access, we will send you an e-mail to let you know.
Book review clippings submitted
Here you can view a list of all the books for which you have sent us a book review clipping. If your six months of access time has not run out, you will still be able to read the book online.After we have checked your review we will send you an e-mail to let you know if you are entitled to receive a copy of the book as thanks for your effort.
How can I read an online review copy?
To read review copies online you need to have Adobe Digital Editions software installed on your computer. If you already have the software installed, you can use Access Copy to go directly to your chosen book. A window will open briefly as the title is downloaded into the e-reader. Now you have six months to read your chosen review copy.The e-reader offers the following features:
- Use the search function to search the book by keyword
- Skip to any chapter in the book using the contents list
- Highlight text and add comments with help from bookmarks
- View the book in different formats
- Use the loupe function to make important details bigger
- Here you can download Adobe Digital Edition for free
- Adobe Digital Editions
How can I receive my "thank you" copy?
After you have sent us your book review we will take a few days to check if it meets our criteria:
- Your review must have been published
- Your review has been published in a specialty journal/specialty online media
- Your review has been published in an international magazine or newspaper
- You have sent us information about the journal/media where your review was published
If your review meets our criteria, you can choose to receive a copy of the book you have reviewed as thanks, as long as the book is not more than two years old at the time of your first online access to it.You will be informed by e-mail, and you can then let us know if you would like a printed copy of the book as thanks. The book will then be sent to you at your given address for free. You can expect delivery of the hardcopy in two to three weeks.
Where can I get help?
If you have any general questions for our review team or about our new online book review service, please send us an e-mail at case of technical difficulties or questions regarding electronic access, please send an e-mail to our provider at: