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Established in 1994 as the first online subscription services provided for B2B magazine publishers, TradePub.com has grown to be the most sophisticated repository of content for professionals in over 33 industry verticals, with extensive reach through 1000's of B2B partner sites worldwide.

Mathematics History: AMS Books and Resources

History of Mathematics Series
The titles in this series offer compelling historical perspectives on the individuals and communities that have profoundly influenced mathematics' development.
Collected Works Series
This series presents the substantial body of work of many outstanding mathematicians. Readers can follow the major ideas and themes that developed over the course of a given mathematician's career.

المكتبة الرقمية كاليفورنيا

California Digital Library
Established in 1997, the California Digital Library has a wholly digital charter and two complementary but distinct roles:
As the systemwide digital library, the CDL supports the University of California campus libraries in their mission of providing access to the world's knowledge for the UC campuses and the communities they serve.  In so doing, it directly supports UC's mission of teaching, research, and public service.